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160 items found

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out url icon DUGiDocs 2022 September 26 A computational micromechanics investigation of longitudinal strength in unidirectional fibre reinforced composites Barzegar, Mostafa
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Crack density growth of high temperature cross-ply laminates subjected to elevated temperatures Pakkam Gabriel, Vivek Richards
doc icon DUGiDocs 2008 Critical ruptures in a bundle of slowly relaxing fibers Kovács, K. ; Nagy, S. ; Cruz Hidalgo, Raúl ; Kun, F. ; Herrmann, H.J. ; Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio
out url icon Recercat Critical ruptures in a bundle of slowly relaxing fibers Kovács, K. ; Nagy, S. ; Cruz Hidalgo, Raúl ; Kun, F. ; Herrmann, H.J. ; Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 November A cross-sectional study comparing osteoporosis in two populations of children with and without JIA: a cross-sectional study with a control group. Zalpyte, Camila
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Damage inception of composite under dynamic loadings Pernas-Sánchez, Jesús
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Damage sequence of impact events on 3d-printed composite laminates with quasi-static indentation test Fernández Chamorro, Alex
out url icon Recercat Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load Badalló i Cañellas, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Lindgaard, Esben
out url icon Recercat Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load Badalló i Cañellas, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Lindgaard, Esben
out url icon Recercat Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load Badalló i Cañellas, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Lindgaard, Esben
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load Badalló i Cañellas, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Lindgaard, Esben
out url icon Recercat 2020 February 15 Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load Badalló i Cañellas, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Lindgaard, Esben
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 December 1 Damage tolerance optimization of composite stringer run-out under tensile load Badalló i Cañellas, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Lindgaard, Esben
out url icon Recercat A data reduction method based on the J-integral to obtain the interlaminar fracture toughness in a mode II end-loaded split (ELS) test Pérez Galmés, Magdalena ; Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Rodríguez Bellido, Ana Teresa ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 November 1 A data reduction method based on the J-integral to obtain the interlaminar fracture toughness in a mode II end-loaded split (ELS) test Pérez Galmés, Magdalena ; Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Rodríguez Bellido, Ana Teresa ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Detecting and characterising interfacial fracture through the face sheets of sandwich structures using mirror-assisted imaging techniques Leung, Hiu Ling
doc icon DUGiDocs 2022 September Determinació de la resistència a fractura pel mode II per materials reforçats unidirecionament utilitzant una prova de càrrega final calibrada (C-ELS) i una longitud efectiva de fissura aproximada Yáñez Alabart, Darío
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Determination and modelization of mode I interlaminar fracture thoughness on 2D woven oxide/oxide composite using double cantilever beam test Drouin, Thomas
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Determining fracture properties for predicting damage propagation from notches in composite structures Wisnom, Michael
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 May 31 Determining fracture properties for predicting damage propagation from notches in composite structures Wisnom, Michael R. ; Sun, Xiaoyang ; Xu, Xiaodong
doc icon DUGiDocs 2020 July 16 Development of advanced methods to characterise the fracture behaviour of flexible bonded joints Manterola Najera, Julen
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Development of tensile specimens with bonded continuous protective layers for the accurate tensile failure strain determination of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composites Czél, Gergely
doc icon DUGiDocs 2017 February Disseny d’un utillatge per a l’assaig en paral·lel de la tenacitat a la fractura en mode II Jiang, Rui
out url icon Recercat Disseny d’un utillatge per a l’assaig en paral·lel de la tenacitat a la fractura en mode II Jiang, Rui
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