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285 items found

Showing titles from 25 to 50:

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out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Assaig virtual d’un panell rigiditzat de material compòsit per una ala d’avió comercial sotmès a càrregues de fatiga
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Assaig virtual d’un panell rigiditzat de material compòsit per una ala d’avió comercial sotmès a càrregues de fatiga Coll Castañer, Sergi
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Assessment of cohesive law extrapolation procedure of adhesively bonded joints under different environmental conditions Arrese Arratibel, Ainhoa
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Assessment of mode I fatigue delamination of composites through a rapid testing method Parareda Oriol, Sergi
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Assessment of the qualities of carbon nanotube sensors for structural health monitoring of composites Zarzoso Bueno, Moisés
out url icon Recercat An automated methodology for mode II delamination tests under fatigue loading based on the real time monitoring of the specimen’s compliance Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Vicens Cuyàs, Josep ; Budhe, Sandip Rudha ; Rodríguez Bellido, Ana Teresa ; Comas Baron, Jordi ; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 An automated methodology for mode II delamination tests under fatigue loading based on the real time monitoring of the specimen’s compliance Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Vicens Cuyàs, Josep ; Budhe, Sandip Rudha ; Rodríguez Bellido, Ana Teresa ; Comas Baron, Jordi ; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Bayesian prediction of the load response of composite structures to streamline certification approaches Laux, Tobias
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 A bio-inspired embedded composite stiffener for improved damage tolerance Whitehouse, Adam
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 May 31 A bio-inspired embedded composite stiffener for improved damage tolerance Whitehouse, Adam D. ; Yang, Yifei ; MĂ©deau, Victor ; Mencattelli, Lorenzo ; Greenhalgh, Emile S. ; Pinho, Silvestre T.
out url icon Recercat Bond behaviour between recycled aggregate concrete and glass fibre reinforced polymer bars Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Llorens Sulivera, Miquel ; Barris Peña, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Bond behaviour between recycled aggregate concrete and glass fibre reinforced polymer bars Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Llorens Sulivera, Miquel ; Barris Peña, Cristina
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 CAI fatigue testing in CFRP: is the test representing what happens in real structures? Biagini, Davide
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 May 31 CAI fatigue testing in CFRP: is the test representing what happens in real structures? Biagini, Davide ; Pascoe, John-Alan ; Alderliesten, René C.
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Calibration of a digital twin for structural testing Bogenfeld, Raffael
doc icon DUGiDocs 2017 June Caracterització de les propietats estructurals de formigons fibrats d’ultra-altes prestacions Ferré Garro, Roger
out url icon Recercat Caracterització de les propietats estructurals de formigons fibrats d’ultra-altes prestacions Ferré Garro, Roger
out url icon Recercat Caracterització de les propietats estructurals de formigons fibrats d’ultra-altes prestacions Ferré Garro, Roger
out url icon Recercat Caracterització de les propietats estructurals de formigons fibrats d’ultra-altes prestacions Ferré Garro, Roger
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Challenges in determination of cohesive laws from r-curves of unidirectional composites experiencing delamination damage Bangaru, Ashish Kumar
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 May 31 Challenges in determination of cohesive laws from r-curves of unidirectional composites experiencing delamination damage Bangaru, Ashish K. ; Sørensen, Bent F.
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Characterization of a filament wound thin-ply composite for a cryogenic tank for liquid hydrogen Olsson, Robin
out url icon Recercat Characterization of the translaminar fracture Cohesive Law Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 December 1 Characterization of the translaminar fracture Cohesive Law Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel
out url icon Recercat Cohesive zone length of orthotropic materials undergoing delamination Soto Masip, Albert ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Sainz de Aja, J.R. ; de la Escalera, F.M.
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