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30 items found

Showing titles from 25 to 30:

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out url icon Recercat Serviceability behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete beams Barris Peña, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 February 14 Study of bond behaviour between FRP reinforcement and concrete Baena Muñoz, Marta
out url icon Recercat Study of bond behaviour between FRP reinforcement and concrete Baena Muñoz, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 December 12 A study of the bond and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement Attia Abdelgayed Abdelgawad Sharaky, Ibrahim
out url icon Recercat A study of the bond and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement Attia Abdelgayed Abdelgawad Sharaky, Ibrahim
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