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110 items found
Showing titles from 25 to 50:
Format | Date | Title | Author |
Format | Date | Title | Author |
2023 May 31 |
Damage sequence of impact events on 3d-printed composite laminates with quasi-static indentation test |
Fernández Chamorro, Alex
2023 May 31 |
Damage sequence of impact events on 3d-printed composite laminates with quasi-static indentation test |
Fernández Chamorro, Àlex
; Blanco Villaverde, Norbert
; Trias Mansilla, Daniel
2023 May 31 |
Detecting and characterising interfacial fracture through the face sheets of sandwich structures using mirror-assisted imaging techniques |
Leung, Hiu Ling
2023 May 31 |
Determination and modelization of mode I interlaminar fracture thoughness on 2D woven oxide/oxide composite using double cantilever beam test |
Drouin, Thomas
2023 May 31 |
Determining fracture properties for predicting damage propagation from notches in composite structures |
Wisnom, Michael
2023 May 31 |
Determining fracture properties for predicting damage propagation from notches in composite structures |
Wisnom, Michael R.
; Sun, Xiaoyang
; Xu, Xiaodong
2023 May 31 |
Development of tensile specimens with bonded continuous protective layers for the accurate tensile failure strain determination of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composites |
Czél, Gergely
2023 May 31 |
Dual-scale model for delamination of composites with different fiber orientations at interface |
Mehdikhani, Mahoor
2023 May 31 |
Dual-scale model for delamination of composites with different fiber orientations at interface |
Mehdikhani, Mahoor
; Gol, Anna de
; Matveeva, Anna
; Carrella, Delphine
; Gorbatikh, Larissa
2023 May 31 |
Effects of variable amplitude fatigue on delamination and crack growth rate models |
Mosbjerg Jensen, Simon
2023 May 31 |
Evaluating the intralaminar tensile fracture behavior of composite materials under high rate loading through a combined experimental and numerical methodology |
Artero Guerrero, José Alfonso
2023 May 31 |
Evaluation of a new experimental device for shear modulus measurement |
Berthe, Samuel
2023 May 31 |
Experimental building block approach and numerical modelling of thermoplastic composite used for fuselage panels |
Zaragkas, Thomas
2023 May 31 |
Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of damages induced by low-velocity impacts in recent composite materials |
Laurin, Frédéric
2023 May 31 |
Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of damages induced by low-velocity impacts in recent composite materials |
Laurin, F.
; Chaibi, S.
; Rannou, J.
; Berthe, Julien
; Bouvet, Christophe
; Congourdeau, F.
2023 May 31 |
Experimental investigation of the loading rate dependency of the non-linear damageable behaviour of carbon/epoxy laminates |
Berthe, Julien
2023 May 31 |
Experimental and numerical investigation on bearing behavior of hybrid thin/thick-ply composite laminates |
Loukil, Mohamed Sahbi
2023 May 31 |
Experimental testing and numerical simulation of bearing and filled hole tension carbon specimens under dynamic loading |
Guerrero GarcĂa, JosĂ© Manuel
2023 May 31 |
Experimental testing and numerical simulation of bearing and filled hole tension carbon specimens under dynamic loading |
Guerrero Garcia, José Manuel
; González Juan, Emilio Vicente
; Villarroel Marquina, Pablo
; Artero Guerrero, José Alfonso
; Cimadevilla, Adrián
; De Blanpre, Elisabeth
; Jacques, Vincent
2023 May 31 |
Failure analysis of hybrid glass/carbon thin ply laminates subjected to tensile loading |
Snepsts, Alens
2023 May 31 |
Fatigue cohesive zone modelling of a benchmark test for composites under complex loading sequences resulting in non-self-similar damage evolution |
Leciñana Arregui, Iñaki
2023 May 31 |
Fatigue failure prediction in GFRP composite laminates: comprehensive fatigue damage model, software implementation in SAMCEF and benchmark tests |
Carreras, Laura
2010 May 6 |
Formigó reforçat amb materials compostos |
Baena Muñoz, Marta
2023 May 31 |
Full Field Data Fusion (FFDF) to characterise subsurface defects in composite structures |
Dulieu-Barton, Janice M.
2023 May 31 |
Full Field Data Fusion (FFDF) to characterise subsurface defects in composite structures |
Dulieu-Barton, Janice M.
; Jiménez Fortunato, Irene
; Ruiz Iglesias, Rafael
; Leung, Emily
; Olafsson, Geir
; Thomsen, Ole Thybo