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out url icon DUGiDocs 14 novembre 2023 New tumour markers for pancreatic cancer based on the altered glycosylation of serum glycoproteins Duran Sidera, Adrià
doc icon DUGiDocs 7 juliol 2016 Pancreatic cancer markers based on aberrant glycosylation of serum proteins Balmaña, Meritxell
out url icon Recercat Pancreatic cancer markers based on aberrant glycosylation of serum proteins Balmaña, Meritxell
out url icon Recercat Quantitative analysis of N-glycans from human alfa-acid-glycoprotein using stable isotope labeling and zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction capillary liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry as tool for pancreatic disease diagnosis Giménez, Estela ; Balmaña, Meritxell ; Figueras, Joan ; Fort Martorell, Esther ; Bolòs, Carme de ; Sanz Nebot, María Victoria ; Peracaula Miró, Rosa ; Rizzi, Andreas
doc icon DUGiDocs 25 març 2015 Quantitative analysis of N-glycans from human alfa-acid-glycoprotein using stable isotope labeling and zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction capillary liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry as tool for pancreatic disease diagnosis Giménez, Estela ; Balmaña, Meritxell ; Figueras, Joan ; Fort Martorell, Esther ; Bolòs, Carme de ; Sanz Nebot, María Victoria ; Peracaula Miró, Rosa ; Rizzi, Andreas
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