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doc icon DUGiDocs 7 desembre 2016 Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; Garcテュa Ortiz, Luテュs ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, テ]gela de ; Sテ。nchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernテ。ndez, Josテゥ A. ; Gテウmez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; Garcテュa Ortiz, Luテュs ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, テ]gela de ; Sテ。nchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernテ。ndez, Josテゥ A. ; Gテウmez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; Garcテュa Ortiz, Luテュs ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, テ]gela de ; Sテ。nchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernテ。ndez, Josテゥ A. ; Gテウmez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; Garcテュa Ortiz, Luテュs ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, テ]gela de ; Sテ。nchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernテ。ndez, Josテゥ A. ; Gテウmez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group

