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You can view the following video to get an idea of the possible web browsing:
Simple Search
Simple search is neither case-sensitive nor sensitive to accents and it performs in the following fields:
- dc.identifier.uri
- dc.title
- dc.description.abstract
- dc.publisher
- dc.creator
- dc.contributor
- dc.contributor.other
- dc.subject
the space between words performs the search with the "and" operator.
- ex: Terricabras
- ex: biblioteca filosofia
Advanced Search: Fields
The advanced search is the same as the simple one, but performing in more fields and with more operators.
The fields that can be used are the following (don't use accents):
- identifier o dc.identifier.uri
- issn o dc.identifier.issn
- isbn o dc.identifier.isbn
- dc.contributor.other
- director o dc.contributor
- author o dc.creator
- title o dc.title
- subject o dc.subject
- abstract o dc.description.abstract
- publisher o dc.publisher
- format o dc.format.mimetype
- date o
- rights o dc.rights
- tipe o dc.type
- language o dc.language
- repository
We use ":" to separate the field from the text to be searched.
- ex: title:estudi
If we were searching for items containing the word "estudi" in the title.
Advanced Search: Operators
*: wildcard for more than one character
- ex: author:terri*
- ex: isbn:*
If we were searching for items with isbn
"": It's used to search an exact text (with spaces). It's neither case-sensitive nor sensitive to accents.
- ex: "Els Materials de construcció de la bòbila romana d'Ermedà s"
AND: "and operator"
- ex: ezquerra AND fractals
It performs the same search as: ezquerra fractals
- ex: ezquerra AND fractals
OR: "or operator"
- ex: ezquerra OR fractals
! / NOT: "not operator"
- ex: ezquerra !fractals
- ex: ezquerra NOT fractals
- ex: !isbn:*
If we were looking for items without isbn
(): It's used to group subsearches
- ex: (title:cataleg OR title:web) AND author:ezquerra
- ex: title:(cataleg OR web) AND author:ezquerra
Advanced Search: Complex Operators
[x TO y]: inclusive range operator. It's used to search into a range of dates or letters, including the limit values.
- ex: title:[ava TO aval]
- ex: date:[1800 TO 1880]
- ex: date:[* TO 1900]
- ex: date:[1900 TO *]
{x TO y}: exclusive range operator. It's used to search into a range of dates or letters, excluding the limit values.
- ex: title:{ava TO aval}
- ex: date:{1800 TO 1880}
- ex: date:{* TO 1900}
- ex: date:{1900 TO *}
~X: search among similar words (X letters of difference)
- ex: ezqueera~0.87
It would also retrieve "ezquerra", as we are asking for 87% of similarity (1 letter of every 8 could be wrong) - ex: ezqueera~
It would also retrieve "ezquerra","esquerra","esquerres"...
- ex: ezqueera~0.87
~X: X words of proximity search
- ex: "matematica fractal"~10
It would search for phrases containing "matemĂ tica" and "fractal", both words separated by 10 words maximum.
- ex: "matematica fractal"~10