Listing items by Author "Amerlinck, Youri"

3 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 3:

out url icon Recercat Balancing effluent quality, economic cost and greenhouse gas emissions during the evaluation of (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in WWTPs Flores-Alsina, Xavier ; Arnell, Magnus ; Amerlinck, Youri ; Vanrolleghem, Peter A. ; Corominas Tabares, LluĆ­s ; Gernaey, Krist V. ; Guo, Lisha ; Lindblom, Erik U. ; Nopens, Ingmar ; Porro, Jose ; Shaw, Andrew R. ; Snip, Laura J.P. ; Vanrolleghem, Peter A. ; Jeppsson, Ulf
out url icon Recercat Balancing effluent quality, economic cost and greenhouse gas emissions during the evaluation of (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in WWTPs Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Arnell, Magnus ; Amerlinck, Youri ; Vanrolleghem, Peter A. ; Corominas Tabares, LluĆ­s ; Gernaey, Krist V. ; Guo, Lisha ; Lindblom, Erik U. ; Nopens, Ingmar ; Porro, Jose ; Shaw, Andrew R. ; Snip, Laura J.P. ; Vanrolleghem, Peter A. ; Jeppsson, Ulf
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Balancing effluent quality, economic cost and greenhouse gas emissions during the evaluation of (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in WWTPs Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Arnell, Magnus ; Amerlinck, Youri ; Vanrolleghem, Peter A. ; Corominas Tabares, LluĆ­s ; Gernaey, Krist V. ; Guo, Lisha ; Lindblom, Erik U. ; Nopens, Ingmar ; Porro, Jose ; Shaw, Andrew R. ; Snip, Laura J.P. ; Vanrolleghem, Peter A. ; Jeppsson, Ulf



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