Llistar Títols per Autor "Bollinger, Jean Claude"

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doc icon DUGiDocs 1 febrer 2017 Effect of chromium speciation on its sorption mechanism onto grape stalks entrapped into alginate beads Escudero Oñate, Carlos ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Bollinger, Jean Claude
out url icon Recercat Effect of chromium speciation on its sorption mechanism onto grape stalks entrapped into alginate beads Escudero Oñate, Carlos ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Bollinger, Jean Claude
out url icon Recercat Effect of chromium speciation on its sorption mechanism onto grape stalks entrapped into alginate beads Escudero Oñate, Carlos ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Bollinger, Jean Claude
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Effect of chromium speciation on its sorption mechanism onto grape stalks entrapped into alginate beads Escudero Oñate, Carlos ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Bollinger, Jean Claude

