Llistar Títols per Autor "Bou, Jordi J."

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out url icon Recercat Using viscoelastic properties to quantitatively estimate the amount of modified poly(lactic acid) chains through reactive extrusion Cailloux, Jonathan ; Santana, Orlando O. ; Maspoch, Maria Ll. ; Bou, Jordi J. ; Carrasco, Félix
out url icon Recercat Using viscoelastic properties to quantitatively estimate the amount of modified poly(lactic acid) chains through reactive extrusion Cailloux, Jonathan ; Santana, Orlando O. ; Maspoch, Maria Ll. ; Bou, Jordi J. ; Carrasco, Félix
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Using viscoelastic properties to quantitatively estimate the amount of modified poly(lactic acid) chains through reactive extrusion Cailloux, Jonathan ; Santana, Orlando O. ; Maspoch, Maria Ll. ; Bou, Jordi J. ; Carrasco, Félix
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Using viscoelastic properties to quantitatively estimate the amount of modified poly(lactic acid) chains through reactive extrusion Cailloux, Jonathan ; Santana Pérez, Orlando O. ; Maspoch, Maria Lluïsa ; Bou, Jordi J. ; Carrasco, Félix
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 octubre 2015 Using viscoelastic properties to quantitatively estimate the amount of modified poly(lactic acid) chains through reactive extrusion Cailloux, Jonathan ; Santana Pérez, Orlando O. ; Maspoch, Maria Lluïsa ; Bou, Jordi J. ; Carrasco, Félix

