Llistar Títols per Autor "Cattrall, Robert W"

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out url icon Recercat Development of a polymer inclusion membrane-based passive sampler for monitoring of sulfamethoxazole in natural waters. Minimizing the effect of the flow pattern of the aquatic system Garcia-Rodríguez, Aida ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia ; Matamoros, Víctor ; Almeida, M. Inês G. S. ; Cattrall, Robert W. ; Kolev, Spas D.
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2016 Development of a polymer inclusion membrane-based passive sampler for monitoring of sulfamethoxazole in natural waters. Minimizing the effect of the flow pattern of the aquatic system Garcia-Rodríguez, Aida ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia ; Matamoros, Víctor ; Almeida, M. Inês G. S. ; Cattrall, Robert W. ; Kolev, Spas D.

