Listing items by Author "Clop, A."

4 items found

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out url icon Recercat Genetic variability in the predicted microRNA target sites of caprine casein genes Zidi, A. ; Amills, Marcel ; Tomás, A. ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ramírez, O. ; Carrizosa, J. ; Urrutia, B. ; Serradilla, J.M. ; Clop, A.
out url icon Recercat Genetic variability in the predicted microRNA target sites of caprine casein genes Zidi, A. ; Amills, Marcel ; Tomás, A. ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ramírez, O. ; Carrizosa, J. ; Urrutia, B. ; Serradilla, J.M. ; Clop, A.
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Genetic variability in the predicted microRNA target sites of caprine casein genes Zidi, A. ; Amills, Marcel ; Tomás, A. ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ramírez, O. ; Carrizosa, J. ; Urrutia, B. ; Serradilla, J.M. ; Clop, A.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Genetic variability in the predicted microRNA target sites of caprine casein genes Zidi, A. ; Amills, Marcel ; Tomás, A. ; Vidal i Fàbrega, Oriol ; Ramírez, O. ; Carrizosa, J. ; Urrutia, B. ; Serradilla, J.M. ; Clop, A.

