Listing items by Author "Demeshko, Serhiy"

3 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 3:

doc icon DUGiDocs 2021 October 18 Modulation of a μ-1,2-Peroxo Dicopper(II) Intermediate by Strong Interaction with Alkali Metal Ions Brinkmeier, Alexander ; Dalle, Kristian E. ; D’Amore, Lorenzo ; Schulz, Roland A. ; Dechert, Sebastian ; Demeshko, Serhiy ; Swart, Marcel ; Meyer, Franc
out url icon Recercat Nonheme Fe(IV) Oxo Complexes of Two New Pentadentate Ligands and Their Hydrogen-Atom and Oxygen-Atom Transfer Reactions Mitra, Mainak ; Nimir, Hassan ; Demeshko, Serhiy ; Bhat, Satish S. ; Malinkin, Sergey O. ; Haukka, Matti ; Lloret Fillol, Julio ; Lisensky, George C. ; Meyer, Franc ; Shteinman, Albert A. ; Browne, Wesley R. ; Hrovat, David A. ; Hrovat, David A. ; Richmond, Michael G. ; Costas Salgueiro, Miquel ; Nordlander, Ebbe
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Nonheme Fe(IV) Oxo Complexes of Two New Pentadentate Ligands and Their Hydrogen-Atom and Oxygen-Atom Transfer Reactions Mitra, Mainak ; Nimir, Hassan ; Demeshko, Serhiy ; Bhat, Satish S. ; Malinkin, Sergey O. ; Haukka, Matti ; Lloret Fillol, Julio ; Lisensky, George C. ; Meyer, Franc ; Shteinman, Albert A. ; Browne, Wesley R. ; Hrovat, David A. ; Hrovat, David A. ; Richmond, Michael G. ; Costas Salgueiro, Miquel ; Nordlander, Ebbe



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