Llistar Títols per Autor "Dupuy, Stéphanie"

S'han trobat 4 ítems

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out url icon Recercat Mechanism of the Transmetalation of Organosilanes to Gold Falivene, Laura ; Nelson, David J. ; Dupuy, Stéphanie ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Cavallo, Luigi
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of the Transmetalation of Organosilanes to Gold Falivene, Laura ; Nelson, David J. ; Dupuy, Stéphanie ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Cavallo, Luigi
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Mechanism of the Transmetalation of Organosilanes to Gold Falivene, Laura ; Nelson, David J. ; Dupuy, Stéphanie ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Cavallo, Luigi
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2016 Mechanism of the Transmetalation of Organosilanes to Gold Falivene, Laura ; Nelson, David J. ; Dupuy, Stéphanie ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Cavallo, Luigi

