Listing items by Author "Messer, Melanie"

3 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 3:

media icon DUGiMedia 2021 June 15 Symposium 4: Health promotion and heth literacy preparedness for health crises: Lessons learned from COVID-19 in an international perspective Sorensen, Kristine ; Okan, Orkan ; Rowlands, Gill ; Su, Tin Tin ; Messer, Melanie ; Sentell, Tetine ; Saboga-Nunes, Luis ; Pleasant, Andrew
media icon DUGiMedia 2021 June 14 Workshop 1: Health promotion in times of COVID-19: Health Literacy, infodemic and behaviour Okan, Orkan ; Bollweg, Torsten Michael ; Schaeffer, Doris ; Bauer, Ullrich ; Griebler, Robert ; Gani Saskia, Maria ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Rathmann, Katharina ; Hurrelmann, Klaus ; Messer, Melanie ; Vogt, Dominique
media icon DUGiMedia 2021 June 15 Workshop 4: A Global Population-based survey on Digital Health Literacy in university students: Main findings of the COVID-HL Network Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Sormunen, Marjorita ; Viera Rosario, Helena Rafaela ; Su, Tin Tin ; Rathmann, Katharina ; Sentell, Tetine ; Messer, Melanie

