Listing items by Author "Mir Bernal, Pedro"

3 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 3:

doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 March 14 Business Tourist Segment: Empirical Analysis in Spain about the Influence of Social Media and Smartphone in Reservations for Hotels Fondevila i Gascón‏, Joan Francesc ; Berbel, Gaspar ; Muñoz González, Mónica ; Mir Bernal, Pedro ; Puiggrós, Elena ; Sierra Sánchez, Javier ; Tena León, Marta ; Santana, Eva ; Rom, Josep ; Ordeix Rigo, Enric
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Use of social networks for hotel reservations in young people: empirical analysis Fondevila i Gascón‏, Joan Francesc ; Puiggrós, Elena ; Muñoz González, Mónica ; Mir Bernal, Pedro ; Berbel, Gaspar ; Gutiérrez, Óscar ; Feliu, Lluís ; Santana, Eva ; Rom, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 December 31 Using smartphones reservations for hotels in Barcelona for a business segment: empirical analysis Fondevila i Gascón‏, Joan Francesc ; Berbel, Gaspar ; Muñoz González, Mónica ; Mir Bernal, Pedro ; Puiggrós, Elena

