Llistar Títols per Autor "Sebastian Cernuda, Patricia"

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out url icon Recercat 4 abril 2014 First trimester maternal level of PAPP-A, βhCG and ethnicity as predictive of Intrauterine Growth Restriction Sebastian Cernuda, Patricia
out url icon Recercat 8 abril 2014 First trimester maternal level of PAPP-A, βhCG and ethnicity as predictive of Intrauterine Growth Restriction Sebastian Cernuda, Patricia
out url icon Recercat First trimester maternal level of PAPP-A, βhCG and ethnicity as predictive of Intrauterine Growth Restriction Sebastian Cernuda, Patricia
out url icon Recercat First trimester maternal level of PAPP-A, βhCG and ethnicity as predictive of Intrauterine Growth Restriction Sebastian Cernuda, Patricia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 First trimester maternal level of PAPP-A, βhCG and ethnicity as predictive of Intrauterine Growth Restriction Sebastian Cernuda, Patricia

