Llistar Títols per Autor "Tan, Elcin"
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Discrepancies in the Climatology and Trends of Cloud Cover in Global and Regional Climate Models for the Mediterranean Region |
Enríquez Alonso, Aarón
; Calbó Angrill, Josep
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Tan, Elcin
5 juny 2018 |
Discrepancies in the Climatology and Trends of Cloud Cover in Global and Regional Climate Models for the Mediterranean Region |
Enríquez Alonso, Aarón
; Calbó Angrill, Josep
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Tan, Elcin
15 febrer 2020 |
Discrepancies in the Climatology and Trends of Cloud Cover in Global and Regional Climate Models for the Mediterranean Region |
Enríquez Alonso, Aarón
; Calbó Angrill, Josep
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Tan, Elcin
Discrepancies in the Climatology and Trends of Cloud Cover in Global and Regional Climate Models for the Mediterranean Region |
Enríquez Alonso, Aarón
; Calbó Angrill, Josep
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Tan, Elcin