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out url icon Recercat Translaminar fracture toughness of interply hybrid laminates under tensile and compressive loads Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Sainz de Aja, J.R. ; de la Escalera, F.M. ; Cruz, P.
out url icon Recercat Translaminar fracture toughness of interply hybrid laminates under tensile and compressive loads Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Sainz de Aja, J.R. ; de la Escalera, F.M. ; Cruz, P.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2017 May 3 Translaminar fracture toughness of interply hybrid laminates under tensile and compressive loads Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Sainz de Aja, J.R. ; Escalera, F.M de la ; Cruz, P.

