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out url icon Recercat Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis Mur, Pilar ; Sánchez Cuartielles, Elena ; Aussó, Susanna ; Aiza, Gemma ; Valdés Mas, Rafael ; Pineda, Marta ; Navarro, Matilde ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Urioste, Miguel ; Lázaro, Conxi ; Moreno, Victor ; Capellá, Gabriel ; Puente, Xose S. ; Valle, Laura
out url icon Recercat Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis Mur, Pilar ; Sánchez Cuartielles, Elena ; Aussó, Susanna ; Aiza, Gemma ; Valdés Mas, Rafael ; Pineda, Marta ; Navarro, Matilde ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Urioste, Miguel ; Lázaro, Conxi ; Moreno, Victor ; Capellá, Gabriel ; Puente, Xose S. ; Valle, Laura
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis Mur, Pilar ; Sánchez Cuartielles, Elena ; Aussó, Susanna ; Aiza, Gemma ; Valdés Mas, Rafael ; Pineda, Marta ; Navarro, Matilde ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Urioste, Miguel ; Lázaro, Conxi ; Moreno, Victor ; Capellá, Gabriel ; Puente, Xose S. ; Valle, Laura
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 February 8 Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis Mur, Pilar ; Sánchez Cuartielles, Elena ; Aussó, Susanna ; Aiza, Gemma ; Valdés Mas, Rafael ; Pineda, Marta ; Navarro, Matilde ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Urioste, Miguel ; Lázaro, Conxi ; Moreno, Victor ; Capellá, Gabriel ; Puente, Xose S. ; Valle, Laura

