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doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 January 1 How sustainable is the increase in the water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector? A provincial analysis between 1955 and 2005-2010 Cazcarro, Ignacio ; Duarte, Rosa ; Martín-Retortillo, Miguel ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
out url icon Recercat How sustainable is the increase in the water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector? A provincial analysis between 1955 and 2005-2010 Cazcarro, Ignacio ; Duarte, Rosa ; Martín-Retortillo, Miguel ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
out url icon Recercat How sustainable is the increase in the water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector? A provincial analysis between 1955 and 2005-2010 Cazcarro, Ignacio ; Duarte, Rosa ; Martín-Retortillo, Miguel ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 How sustainable is the increase in the water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector? A provincial analysis between 1955 and 2005-2010 Cazcarro, Ignacio ; Duarte, Rosa ; Martín-Retortillo, Miguel ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 September 7 Keynote I: Rural History in Spain: Twenty-five years of networking To Figueras, LluĂ­s ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Cabo Villaverde, Miguel ; Tello, Enric
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 The Spanish Food Industry on Global Supply Chains and Its Impact on Water Resources Duarte, Rosa ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
out url icon Recercat The Spanish Food Industry on Global Supply Chains and Its Impact on Water Resources Duarte, Rosa ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
out url icon Recercat The Spanish Food Industry on Global Supply Chains and Its Impact on Water Resources Duarte, Rosa ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 The Spanish Food Industry on Global Supply Chains and Its Impact on Water Resources Duarte, Rosa ; Pinilla Navarro, Vicente ; Serrano González, Ana

