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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
1987 |
Règim alimentari de l’òliba , Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769), en una localitat de l’Alt Empordà |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
10 juny 2003 |
Reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Muga and Fluvià basins (north-eastern Spain): viability, development, monitoring and trends of the new population |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
Reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Muga and Fluvià basins (north-eastern Spain): viability, development, monitoring and trends of the new population |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
10 juny 2003 |
Reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Muga and Fluvià basins (north-eastern Spain): viability, development, monitoring and trends of the new population |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
1996 |
Stocks assesment, biomass and fish production in two mediterranean basins (NE Spain) |
Zamora Hernández, LluÃs
; Saavedra Bendito, Deli
; Moreno i Amich, Ramon