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out url icon Recercat Early events in the photochemistry of 5-diazo Meldrum’s acid: formation of a product manifold at C-N bound and pre-dissociated intersection seam regions Li, Huijing ; Migani, Annapaola ; Blancafort San José, Lluís ; Li, Quansong ; Li, Ze-Sheng
out url icon Recercat Early events in the photochemistry of 5-diazo Meldrum’s acid: formation of a product manifold at C-N bound and pre-dissociated intersection seam regions Li, Huijing ; Migani, Annapaola ; Blancafort San José, Lluís ; Li, Quansong ; Li, Ze-Sheng
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Early events in the photochemistry of 5-diazo Meldrum’s acid: formation of a product manifold at C-N bound and pre-dissociated intersection seam regions Li, Huijing ; Migani, Annapaola ; Blancafort San José, Lluís ; Li, Quansong ; Li, Ze-Sheng
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 octubre 2016 Early events in the photochemistry of 5-diazo Meldrum’s acid: formation of a product manifold at C-N bound and pre-dissociated intersection seam regions Li, Huijing ; Migani, Annapaola ; Blancafort San José, Lluís ; Li, Quansong ; Li, Ze-Sheng

