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doc icon DUGiDocs maig 2010 Formal Education, Mismatch and Wages After Transition: Assessing the Impact of Unobserved Heterogeneity using Matching Estimators Lamo, Ana ; Messina Granovsky, Julián Santiago
out url icon Recercat Formal Education, Mismatch and Wages After Transition: Assessing the Impact of Unobserved Heterogeneity using Matching Estimators Lamo, Ana ; Messina Granovsky, Julián Santiago
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 març 2007 How wages change: Micro evidence from the international wage flexibility project Dickens, William T. ; Goette, Lorenz ; Groshen, Erica L. ; Holden, Steinar ; Messina Granovsky, Julián Santiago ; Schweitzer, Mark E. ; Turunen, Jarkko ; Ward, Melanie E.
out url icon Recercat How wages change: Micro evidence from the international wage flexibility project Dickens, William T. ; Goette, Lorenz ; Groshen, Erica L. ; Holden, Steinar ; Messina Granovsky, Julián Santiago ; Schweitzer, Mark E. ; Turunen, Jarkko ; Ward, Melanie E.
out url icon Recercat How wages change: Micro evidence from the international wage flexibility project Dickens, William T. ; Goette, Lorenz ; Groshen, Erica L. ; Holden, Steinar ; Messina Granovsky, Julián Santiago ; Schweitzer, Mark E. ; Turunen, Jarkko ; Ward, Melanie E.

