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out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Application of real-time PCR to assess transgene copy numbers in GM plants and to investigate plant gene expression
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Application of real-time PCR to assess transgene copy numbers in GM plants and to investigate plant gene expression Castillo, Maguy
doc icon DUGiDocs 29 juny 2012 Applications of computed tomography in dry-cured meat products Santos Garcés, Eva
doc icon TDX 29 juny 2012 Applications of computed tomography in dry-cured meat products Santos Garcés, Eva
out url icon Recercat Applications of computed tomography in dry-cured meat products Santos Garcés, Eva
doc icon TDX 6 maig 2011 Applications of hydrodynamic and water quality models to the Sau and Boadella Reservoirs Takkouk, Saddek
out url icon Recercat Applications of hydrodynamic and water quality models to the Sau and Boadella Reservoirs Takkouk, Saddek
doc icon DUGiDocs 6 maig 2011 Applications of hydrodynamic and water quality models to the Sau and Boadella Reservoirs Takkouk, Saddek
out url icon DUGiDocs 14 juny 2024 Applications of supramolecular nanocapsules: regioselective functionalization of fullerenes and molecular recognition of endohedral metallofullerenes Pujals Crusat, Míriam
media icon DUGiMedia 5 juny 2015 Applications of the Theory: Human Rights Searle, John R.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2000 Application of a support system to the design of wastewater treatment plants Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Poch, Manuel ; Bañares-Alcántara, René
out url icon Recercat Application of a support system to the design of wastewater treatment plants Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Poch, Manuel ; Bañares-Alcántara, René
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Application of Usability Engineering to the Development of a Personalised Decision Support System for Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management [Pòster] Martin, Clare ; Aldea, Arantza ; Alshaigy, B. ; Avari, Parizad ; Duce, D. ; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè ; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel ; Harrison, R. ; Herrero, Pau ; Jugnee, Narvada ; Lui, C. ; López Ibáñez, Beatriz ; Massana i Raurich, Joaquim ; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa ; Russell, A. ; Reddy, Monika ; Waite, Marion ; Wos, Marzena ; Oliver, Nick
doc icon DUGiDocs 21 març 2019 Application of Usability Engineering to the Development of a Personalised Decision Support System for Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management [Pòster] Martin, Clare ; Aldea, Arantza ; Alshaigy, B. ; Avari, Parizad ; Duce, David ; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè ; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel ; Harrison, R. ; Herrero i Viñas, Pau ; Jugnee, Narvada ; Lui, C. ; López Ibáñez, Beatriz ; Massana i Raurich, Joaquim ; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa ; Russell, A. ; Reddy, Monika ; Waite, Marion ; Wos, Marzena ; Oliver, Nick
media icon DUGiMedia 7 juliol 2010 Applying quantum chemistry to solids and liquids Allan, Neil
media icon DUGiMedia 27 maig 2011 Applying scientific standards to social science and forensic evidence Taruffo, Michele
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 abril 2021 Applying a sequential approach in order to detect and interpret a possible increased rate of myeloid malignancies in the Girona province Bitchatchi Agay, Enrique
out url icon Recercat Applying Short-term Memory to Social Search Agents Trias Mansilla, Albert ; Sethserey, Sam ; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Applying Short-term Memory to Social Search Agents
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Applying Short-term Memory to Social Search Agents Trias Mansilla, Albert ; Sethserey, Sam ; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Applying Short-term Memory to Social Search Agents Trias Mansilla, Albert ; Sethserey, Sam ; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
media icon DUGiMedia 26 gener 2023 Applying the STAMP Safety Model to Prevent False Convictions Based on Forensic Science Evidence Sangero, Boaz; Sapir Academic College; Western Galilee College
out url icon Recercat An appraisal of the sediment yield in western Mediterranean river basins Buendia, C. ; Herrero, A. ; Sabater, Sergi ; Batalla, Ramon J.
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 desembre 2016 An appraisal of the sediment yield in western Mediterranean river basins Buendia, C. ; Herrero, A. ; Sabater, Sergi ; Batalla, Ramon J.
doc icon DUGiDocs 16 febrer 1998 An approach to coded structured light to obtain three dimensional information Salvi, Joaquim
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