Detecting the existence of gene flow between Spanish and North African goats through a coalescent approach |
MartÃnez, Amparo
; Manunza, Arianna
; Delgado, Juan Vicente
; Landi, Vincenzo
; Adebambo, Ayotunde
; Ismaila, Muritala
; Capote, Juan
; El Ouni, Mabrouk
; Elbeltagy, Ahmed
; Abushady, Asmaa M.
; Gala, Salah
; Ferrando, Ainhoa
; Gómez, Mariano
; Pons, Agueda
; Badaoui, Bouabid
; Jordana, Jordi
; Vidal FÃ brega, Oriol
; Amills, Marcel
1 juny 2018 |
Detecting the existence of gene flow between Spanish and North African goats through a coalescent approach |
5 juny 2018 |
Detecting the existence of gene flow between Spanish and North African goats through a coalescent approach |
MartÃnez, Amparo
; Manunza, Arianna
; Delgado, Juan Vicente
; Landi, Vincenzo
; Adebambo, Ayotunde
; Ismaila, Muritala
; Capote, Juan
; El Ouni, Mabrouk
; Elbeltagy, Ahmed
; Abushady, Asmaa M.
; Gala, Salah
; Ferrando, Ainhoa
; Gómez, Mariano
; Pons, Agueda
; Badaoui, Bouabid
; Jordana, Jordi
; Vidal FÃ brega, Oriol
; Amills, Marcel
14 desembre 2016 |
Detecting the existence of gene flow between Spanish and North African goats through a coalescent approach |
MartÃnez, Amparo
; Manunza, Arianna
; Delgado, Juan Vicente
; Landi, Vincenzo
; Adebambo, Ayotunde
; Ismaila, Muritala
; Capote, Juan
; El Ouni, Mabrouk
; Elbeltagy, Ahmed
; Abushady, Asmaa M.
; Gala, Salah
; Ferrando, Ainhoa
; Gómez, Mariano
; Pons, Agueda
; Badaoui, Bouabid
; Jordana, Jordi
; Vidal i FÃ brega, Oriol
; Amills, Marcel
Diel Cycle and Effects of Water Flow on Activity and Use of Depth by Common Carp |
Benito, Josep
; Benejam Vidal, LluÃs
; Zamora Hernández, LluÃs
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
gener 2015 |
Diel Cycle and Effects of Water Flow on Activity and Use of Depth by Common Carp |
Benito, Josep
; Benejam Vidal, LluÃs
; Zamora Hernández, LluÃs
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
22 desembre 2023 |
Diferentes pero también iguales: simios y género |
Llorente Espino, Miquel
2019 |
Dossier: Els efectes del canvi climà tic. La tropicalització del mar |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Lloret Romañach, Josep
15 febrer 2020 |
Dossier: Els efectes del canvi climà tic. La tropicalització del mar |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Lloret Romañach, Josep
6 desembre 2017 |
Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish |
Cucherousset, Julien
; Horky, Pavel
; SlavÃk, Ondrej
; Ovidio, Michaël
; Arlinghaus, Robert
; Boulêtreau, Stéphanie
; Britton, Robert
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Santoul, Frédéric
setembre 2012 |
Editor interactivo de policubos |
Nucete Jiménez, Enrique
Editor interactivo de policubos |
Nucete Jiménez, Enrique
juny 2019 |
Efecte del flux d’aigua en el metabolisme del cranc americà (Procambarus clarkii) i les seves aplicacions en la gestió i reducció de les poblacions en rius i rieres |
Rubio MartÃnez, Angel
juliol 2024 |
Efecte de l’enriquiment i el sexe biològic sobre la conducta de ximpanzès (Pan troglodytes) en captivitat |
Ferrer Subirón, Helena
2009 |
Efecto de la temperatura en la tasa de puesta de reinas de la hormiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) bajo condiciones experimentales de monoginia y poliginia = Effect of temperature on the oviposition rate of the argentine ant queens, Linepithema humile (Mayr 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) under experimental conditions |
Abril, SÃlvia
Efecto de la temperatura en la tasa de puesta de reinas de la hormiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) bajo condiciones experimentales de monoginia y poliginia = Effect of temperature on the oviposition rate of the argentine ant queens, Linepithema humile (Mayr 1868), (Hymenoptera, Dolichoderine) under experimental conditions |
Abril, SÃlvia
juny 2015 |
Efecte de les repoblacions sobre les poblacions de truita de la conca del riu Ter |
Molas i Soler, Mercè
Efecte de les repoblacions sobre les poblacions de truita de la conca del riu Ter |
Molas i Soler, Mercè
Effect of Seasonal Dynamics on Queen Densities of the Argentine Ant (Linepithema Humile) in an Invaded Natural Area of the NE Iberian Peninsula |
Abril, SÃlvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2008 |
Effect of Seasonal Dynamics on Queen Densities of the Argentine Ant (Linepithema Humile) in an Invaded Natural Area of the NE Iberian Peninsula |
Abril, SÃlvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Effects of size and sex on swimming performance and metabolism of invasive mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki |
Srean, Pao
; Almeida, David
; Rubio Gracia, Francesc Manel
; Luo, Yiping
; Luo, Yiping
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
1 gener 2016 |
Effects of size and sex on swimming performance and metabolism of invasive mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki |
Srean, Pao
; Almeida Real, David
; Rubio Gracia, Francesc Manel
; Luo, Yiping
; Luo, Yiping
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
2010 |
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, SÃlvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, SÃlvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Effect of Temperature on the Development and Survival of the Argentine Ant, Linepithema humile |
Abril, SÃlvia
; Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Gómez López, Crisanto