2021 May 10 |
Aprendre a l’aire lliure. El projecte Nanol |
Heras Colà s, Raquel
Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire |
Puig Gironès, Roger
; Brotons, LluÃs
; Pons Ferran, Pere
Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire |
Puig Gironès, Roger
; Brotons, LluÃs
; Pons Ferran, Pere
2018 June 1 |
Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire |
2018 June 5 |
Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire |
Puig Gironès, Roger
; Brotons, LluÃs
; Pons Ferran, Pere
2017 March 29 |
Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire |
Puig-Gironès, Roger
; Brotons, LluÃs
; Pons Ferran, Pere
2017 October 26 |
Arsenic and fluvial biofilms: biogeochemistry, toxicity and biotic interactions |
Barral Fraga, Laura
Arsenic toxicity effects on microbial communities and nutrient cycling in indoor experimental channels mimicking a fluvial system |
Tuulaikhuu, Baigal-Amar
; Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
2015 September 1 |
Arsenic toxicity effects on microbial communities and nutrient cycling in indoor experimental channels mimicking a fluvial system |
Tuulaikhuu, Baigal-Amar
; Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
2024 August |
Art i medi ambient: una proposta interdisciplinà ria per desenvolupar la consciència i la sensibilització ambiental. |
Oliver Suau, Marta
2024 July 3 |
A/r/tografÃa para explorar transformaciones educativas con el Art Thinking: innovación en la educación artÃstica básica en Grecia |
Blasco Aguirre, Carlota
2014 September 18 |
Aspectes socioeconòmics i ambientals de l’agricultura urbana a Bucarest |
Atudiosiei, Nicole-Livia
2003 December 17 |
Aspectos jurÃdico internacionales del acceso a los recursos genéticos que componen la diversidad biológica |
Rodrigues Bertoldi, Márcia
Aspectos jurÃdico internacionales del acceso a los recursos genéticos que componen la diversidad biológica |
Rodrigues Bertoldi, Márcia
Assessing Urban Wastewater System Upgrades Using Integrated Modeling, Life Cycle Analysis, and Shadow Pricing |
Hadjimichael, Antonia
; Morera Carbonell, SadurnÃ
; Benedetti, Lorenzo
; Flameling, Tony
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
; Weijers, Stefan
; Comas Matas, Joaquim
Assessing Urban Wastewater System Upgrades Using Integrated Modeling, Life Cycle Analysis, and Shadow Pricing |
Hadjimichael, Antonia
; Morera Carbonell, SadurnÃ
; Benedetti, Lorenzo
; Flameling, Tony
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
; Weijers, Stefan
; Comas Matas, Joaquim
Assessing Urban Wastewater System Upgrades Using Integrated Modeling, Life Cycle Analysis, and Shadow Pricing |
Hadjimichael, Antonia
; Morera Carbonell, SadurnÃ
; Benedetti, Lorenzo
; Flameling, Tony
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
; Weijers, Stefan
; Comas Matas, Joaquim
2018 June 1 |
Assessing Urban Wastewater System Upgrades Using Integrated Modeling, Life Cycle Analysis, and Shadow Pricing |
2018 June 5 |
Assessing Urban Wastewater System Upgrades Using Integrated Modeling, Life Cycle Analysis, and Shadow Pricing |
Hadjimichael, Antonia
; Morera Carbonell, SadurnÃ
; Benedetti, Lorenzo
; Flameling, Tony
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
; Weijers, Stefan
; Comas Matas, Joaquim
2016 September 30 |
Assessing Urban Wastewater System Upgrades Using Integrated Modeling, Life Cycle Analysis, and Shadow Pricing |
Hadjimichael, Antonia
; Morera Carbonell, SadurnÃ
; Benedetti, Lorenzo
; Flameling, Tony
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
; Weijers, Stefan
; Comas Matas, Joaquim
Assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances in food items at global scale |
Pérez, Francisca
; Llorca, Marta
; Köck-Schulmeyer, Marianne
; Škrbić, Biljana
; Oliveira, Luis Silva
; da Boit Martinello, Kátia
; Al-Dhabi, Naif A.
; Antić, Igor
; Farré, Marinella
; Barceló i Cullerés, DamiÃ
2014 October 1 |
Assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances in food items at global scale |
Pérez, Francisca
; Llorca, Marta
; Köck-Schulmeyer, Marianne
; Škrbić, Biljana
; Oliveira, Luis Silva
; da Boit Martinello, Kátia
; Al-Dhabi, Naif A.
; Antić, Igor
; Farré, Marinella
; Barceló i Cullerés, DamiÃ
Attenuation of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving river ecos |
Aymerich, I.
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Barceló i Cullerés, DamiÃ
; GarcÃa-Galán, Maria Jesús
; Petrović, Mira
; Poch, Manuel
; RodrÃguez Mozaz, Sara
; RodrÃguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi
; Sabater, Sergi
; von Schiller, Daniel
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
2016 September |
Attenuation of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving river ecos |
Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Barceló i Cullerés, DamiÃ
; GarcÃa-Galán, Maria Jesús
; Petrović, Mira
; Poch, Manuel
; RodrÃguez Mozaz, Sara
; RodrÃguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi
; Sabater, Sergi
; von Schiller, Daniel
; Corominas Tabares, LluÃs
2012 July 20 |
Auditoria ambiental de la Facultat de Dret de la UdG |
Salas Tenor, Patricia
; Rosell Sancho, Laia