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out url icon Recercat Possibilities of low-power X-ray fluorescence spectrometry methods for rapid multielemental analysis and imaging of vegetal foodstuffs Gallardo, Helena ; Queralt i Mitjans, Ignasi ; Tapias, Josefina ; Guerra, Mauro ; Carvalho, Maria Luisa
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juliol 2016 Possibilities of low-power X-ray fluorescence spectrometry methods for rapid multielemental analysis and imaging of vegetal foodstuffs Gallardo, Helena ; Queralt i Mitjans, Ignasi ; Tapias, Josefina ; Guerra, Mauro ; Carvalho, Maria Luisa
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2016 Possibilities of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) to analyse cosmetics samples Garro Alsina, Sílvia
out url icon Recercat Possibilities of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) to analyse cosmetics samples Garro Alsina, Sílvia
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 maig 2005 A study on the phylogeny and the ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using a new molecular marker based on the gene amoB Calvó Perxas, Laia
out url icon Recercat A study on the phylogeny and the ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using a new molecular marker based on the gene amoB Calvó Perxas, Laia
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2018 Utilització de sondes fish per al diagnòstic de melanoma cutani a partir de casos reals Gómez Esteve, Sara
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