
The Elementary epistemic arithmetic of the law II: the inadequate resources of moral theory for dealing with the criminal law

In this lecture, I identify two key areas of the theory of crime and punishment that are demonstrably not derivable from deontological or retributive moral theory. In the first section, I will show that deontological moral theories are helpless when faced with the challenge of either justifying or deriving a standard of proof for criminal trials. In the second section, I will show that existing moral theories of punishment (especially Retributivism) in fact are nothing of the sort, in that they lack the resources to justify or derive a schedule of punishments or even a nonarbitrary definition of the just deserts for any given crime. Put differently, while Deontic theories stress the importance of convicted defendants receiving their just deserts, they have no machinery for figuring out what the just deserts are for any given crime. This pair of arguments is an ambitious agenda so let me turn to it straightaway

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Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Filosofia del Dret

Author: Laudan, Larry
Date: 2011 May 26
Abstract: In this lecture, I identify two key areas of the theory of crime and punishment that are demonstrably not derivable from deontological or retributive moral theory. In the first section, I will show that deontological moral theories are helpless when faced with the challenge of either justifying or deriving a standard of proof for criminal trials. In the second section, I will show that existing moral theories of punishment (especially Retributivism) in fact are nothing of the sort, in that they lack the resources to justify or derive a schedule of punishments or even a nonarbitrary definition of the just deserts for any given crime. Put differently, while Deontic theories stress the importance of convicted defendants receiving their just deserts, they have no machinery for figuring out what the just deserts are for any given crime. This pair of arguments is an ambitious agenda so let me turn to it straightaway
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Format: video/H263
Citation: Laudan, L. (2011). The Elementary epistemic arithmetic of the law II: the inadequate resources of moral theory for dealing with the criminal law. A ’Standards of proof and scientific evidence’. Girona: Universitat. [Consulta 3 juny 2011]. Disponible a:
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Filosofia del Dret
Collection: Standards of proof and scientific evidence
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative Commons: Reconeixement – No comercial – Compartir igual (by-nc-sa)
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Subject: Prova (Dret) -- Congressos
Dret -- Filosofia -- Congressos
Evidence (Law) -- Congresses
Law -- Philosophy -- Congresses
Title: The Elementary epistemic arithmetic of the law II: the inadequate resources of moral theory for dealing with the criminal law
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Repository: DUGiMedia

