
Relevance, standards of proof, and evidence theory

In this essay, I focus on the theoretical project writ large. I do so with both general and specific aims in mind. As a general matter, I attempt to step back from this theorizing to ask and answer a few methodological and meta-theoretical questions: What would a successful theory of evidence look like? By what criteria can or ought we assess such a theory? And what might the purpose of such theorizing be?

Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Filosofia del Dret

Author: Pardo, Michael S.
Date: 2011 May 26
Abstract: In this essay, I focus on the theoretical project writ large. I do so with both general and specific aims in mind. As a general matter, I attempt to step back from this theorizing to ask and answer a few methodological and meta-theoretical questions: What would a successful theory of evidence look like? By what criteria can or ought we assess such a theory? And what might the purpose of such theorizing be?
Format: video/H263
Citation: Pardo, M.S. (2011). Relevance, standards of proof, and evidence theory. A ’Standards of proof and scientific evidence’. Girona: Universitat. [Consulta 3 juny 2011]. Disponible a:
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Filosofia del Dret
Collection: Standards of proof and scientific evidence
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative Commons: Reconeixement – No comercial – Compartir igual (by-nc-sa)
Rights URI:
Subject: Prova (Dret) -- Congressos
Evidence (Law) -- Congresses
Dret -- Filosofia -- Congressos
Law -- Philosophy -- Congresses
Title: Relevance, standards of proof, and evidence theory
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Repository: DUGiMedia



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