Blasco Franch, Daniel | |
2014 January 27 | |
The Thesis tackles the debate about the limits and emergence of tourism destinations, and analyses and compares the cases of the borders of Mexico and the border region in the Pyrenees mountains. The thesis has been supervised by Dr. Jaume Guia and Dr. Luis Prats, and has been presented in the modality of thesis per articles, specifically with three papers published or submitted to the Journal of Heritage Tourism, Tourism Geographies and Annals of Tourism Research. The Tribunal will be composed by Dr. Marti Casadesús (Girona) , Dr. Dallen Timothy (Arizona State University) and Dr. Tomás Jesús Cuevas Contreras (Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juarez) La Tesi aborda el debat sobre l’emergència i els lÃmits de les destinacions turÃstiques, i analitza i compara els casos de les fronteres de Mèxic i del territori fronterer al massÃs dels Pirineus. La Tesi ha estat dirigida pel Dr. Jaume Guia i el Dr. LluÃs Prats, i ha estat presentada en la modalitat de Tesi per articles, amb tres articles publicats o enviats a les revistes Journal of Heritage Tourism, Tourism Geographies i Annals of Tourism Research. El tribunal estarà format pel Dr. Martà Casadesús (UdG), el Dr. Dallen Timothy (Arizona State University) i el Dr. Tomás Jesús Cuevas Contreras (Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juarez) |
video/H263 audio/mp4 |
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eng | |
Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Turisme | |
Actes acadèmics (Turisme) | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Spain | | | |
Tourism Mèxic -- Fronteres Mexico -- Boundaries Pirineus -- Fronteres Pyrenees -- Boundaries Tesis i dissertacions acadèmiques Dissertations, Academic |
Defensa Tesi Doctoral: ’Tourism destination zoning and governance in border regions’ | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture | |
DUGiMedia |