Lim, Jimmy
Hey, Philipp Ebner Landy, Katie |
2021 October 15 | |
Bloc 9 del Simposi Internacional John Rawls amb les intervencions de: Jimmy Lim (National University of Singapore) amb "Taking Thrasymachus Seriously: John Rawls’s Political Psychology"; Philipp Hey (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): "Targeting within universalism: a Rawlsian welfare state?" i Katie Ebner Landy (Queen Mary): "Emotions and inequality: Rawls, Nussbaum, Rousseau" 6482.mp4 6482.mp3 |
audio/mpeg video/mp4 |
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eng | |
Universitat de Girona. CÃ tedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani | |
John Rawls International Symposium; | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International | | | |
Rawls, John, 1921-2002 -- Congressos
Rawls, John, 1921-2002 -- Congresses JustÃcia -- Congressos Justice -- Congresses Liberalisme -- Congressos Liberalism -- Congresses Ciències polÃtiques -- Congressos Political science -- Congresses |
Panel 9: Symposium John Rawls: Centenary of John Rawls and 50th anniversary of A Theory of Justice | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture | |
DUGiMedia |