
Development of tensile specimens with bonded continuous protective layers for the accurate tensile failure strain determination of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composites

Carbon fibre/epoxy (CF/EP) composites have been applied successfully in high performance applications such as aerospace, motorsports and recreation etc. for decades primarily for their outstanding mechanical properties paired with low density. Nowadays, weight reduction e.g. in the passenger car sector is inevitable to enable progress towards (i) reducing the emissions of traditional combustion engine powered vehicles and (ii) accommodating the heavy energy storage devices of electric motor powered ones. The aerospace sector constantly focuses on accurate modelling and design of structures with the scope of weight saving for fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. All these efforts require accurate material properties as input parameters for design and simulations.

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Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)

Autor: Czél, Gergely
Data: 31 maig 2023
Resum: Carbon fibre/epoxy (CF/EP) composites have been applied successfully in high performance applications such as aerospace, motorsports and recreation etc. for decades primarily for their outstanding mechanical properties paired with low density. Nowadays, weight reduction e.g. in the passenger car sector is inevitable to enable progress towards (i) reducing the emissions of traditional combustion engine powered vehicles and (ii) accommodating the heavy energy storage devices of electric motor powered ones. The aerospace sector constantly focuses on accurate modelling and design of structures with the scope of weight saving for fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. All these efforts require accurate material properties as input parameters for design and simulations.
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Format: audio/mpeg
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256.1/7234
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)
Col·lecció: CompTest 2023
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Matèria: Assaigs de materials -- Congressos
Materials -- Testing -- Congresses
Resistència de materials -- Congressos
Strength of materials -- Congresses
Plàstics reforçats amb fibra de carboni -- Congressos
Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics -- Congresses
Mecànica de fractura -- Congressos
Fracture mechanics -- Congresses
Materials compostos -- Fractura -- Congressos
Composite materials -- Fracture -- Congresses
Materials laminats -- Congressos
Laminated materials -- Congresses
Títol: Development of tensile specimens with bonded continuous protective layers for the accurate tensile failure strain determination of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composites
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Repositori: DUGiMedia

