
Failure analysis of hybrid glass/carbon thin ply laminates subjected to tensile loading

Micro-damage such as fiber/matrix interface debonds, matrix cracks, delaminations and fiber breaks forming during the service life of composites is a significant limiting factor in many applications. Matrix cracks in off-axis layers are typically the first damage mode to occur in laminates due to weak properties in the transverse direction to the fibers and it is the main cause for the appearance of subsequent damage modes – delaminations and fiber breaks. In the present work, thin-ply laminates were manufactured using Textreme carbon fiber thin-ply plain weave fabrics from Oxeon (Sweden) with areal weight of 100g/m2 and glass fiber plain weave fabrics from Interglas (Germany) with an areal weight of 80g/m2. Hybrid carbon/glass laminates with various combinations of single, double and quadruple carbon and glass fiber layers were manufactured.

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Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)

Autor: Snepsts, Alens
Data: 31 maig 2023
Resum: Micro-damage such as fiber/matrix interface debonds, matrix cracks, delaminations and fiber breaks forming during the service life of composites is a significant limiting factor in many applications. Matrix cracks in off-axis layers are typically the first damage mode to occur in laminates due to weak properties in the transverse direction to the fibers and it is the main cause for the appearance of subsequent damage modes – delaminations and fiber breaks. In the present work, thin-ply laminates were manufactured using Textreme carbon fiber thin-ply plain weave fabrics from Oxeon (Sweden) with areal weight of 100g/m2 and glass fiber plain weave fabrics from Interglas (Germany) with an areal weight of 80g/m2. Hybrid carbon/glass laminates with various combinations of single, double and quadruple carbon and glass fiber layers were manufactured.
7242.mp4 7242.mp3
Format: audio/mpeg
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256.1/7242
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)
Col·lecció: CompTest 2023
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Matèria: Assaigs de materials -- Congressos
Materials -- Testing -- Congresses
Resistència de materials -- Congressos
Strength of materials -- Congresses
Plàstics reforçats amb fibra de carboni -- Congressos
Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics -- Congresses
Mecànica de fractura -- Congressos
Fracture mechanics -- Congresses
Materials compostos -- Fractura -- Congressos
Composite materials -- Fracture -- Congresses
Materials laminats -- Congressos
Laminated materials -- Congresses
Títol: Failure analysis of hybrid glass/carbon thin ply laminates subjected to tensile loading
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Repositori: DUGiMedia

