
Knowledge and Culpability

Carlotta Pavese, from Cornell University in New York, talks about knowledge and guilt

Carlotta Pavese, de la Cornell University de Nova York, ens parla del coneixement i la culpabilitat

7986.mp4 7986.mp3

Universitat de Girona. CĂ tedra de Cultura JurĂ­dica

Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. CĂ tedra de Cultura JurĂ­dica
Author: Pavese, Carlotta
Date: 2024 November 18
Abstract: Carlotta Pavese, from Cornell University in New York, talks about knowledge and guilt
Carlotta Pavese, de la Cornell University de Nova York, ens parla del coneixement i la culpabilitat
7986.mp4 7986.mp3
Format: audio/mpeg
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Universitat de Girona. CĂ tedra de Cultura JurĂ­dica
Collection: Workshop: Knowledge and Legal Standards of Proof
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Rights URI:
Subject: Coneixement, Teoria del -- Congressos
Knowledge, Theory of -- Congresses
Culpabilitat -- Congressos
Guilt -- Congresses
Title: Knowledge and Culpability
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Repository: DUGiMedia

