
Interacció de nanopartícules metàl·liques de plata amb enciams (Lactuca Sativa) : estudis amb cultius hidropònics

In recent years, the use of manufactured nanoparticles has increased considerably, due to the fact that companies have increased the demand for commercial products for human consumption. This has led us to wonder what are the possible consequences and/or impacts of these nanoparticles on the environment. One of the most used nanoparticles for its optical properties and electrical as well as its antimicrobial properties are the silver nanoparticles. Despite the many recent studies that have been carried out, there is very little information on how these silver nanoparticles are assimilated in plants or how they are transported and accumulate in the environment. In general, there is very little information on the possible impact or toxicological risk that these nanoparticles may pose. The main purpose of this work is carry out a study on the interaction of the silver nanoparticles with the plants, specifically with lettuces (Lactuca Sativa), and ascertain if a translocation of the sliver takes place from the roots to the aerial part of the lettuce. To achieve this objective, various studies have been proposed for quantifying the silver in the lettuces by means of ICP-OES and was used SP-ICP-MS for discriminating AgNPs of the different forms of silver. For this, hydroponic crops of lettuces were produced with a Hoagland nutrient solution, and these solutions were spiked with AgNPs. Once grown, before the determinations, these lettuces were digested using two types of digestion methods: complete digestion with a microwave and an enzymatic digestion in order to keep the integrity of the nanoparticle. The results obtained in this work, it was able to be confirmed that the lettuces assimilate and incorporate the silver from the nutritive solutions through their roots. Furthermore, the silver could be quantified by complete digestion with a microwave and enzymatic digestion methods. On the other hand, it has also been verified that there is a silver translocation from the roots to the aerial part of the lettuce. Although more evidence it should be done, it seems that the roots better assimilate smaller nanoparticles, but the larger size translocate better to the aerial parts. Finally, it has been able check for the presence of nanoparticles and discriminate them from the free silver in different samples of roots and aerial part of the lettuce

Manager: Iglesias Juncà, Mònica
Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Ciències
Author: Salado Pratseballo, Albert
Date: 2016 September
Abstract: In recent years, the use of manufactured nanoparticles has increased considerably, due to the fact that companies have increased the demand for commercial products for human consumption. This has led us to wonder what are the possible consequences and/or impacts of these nanoparticles on the environment. One of the most used nanoparticles for its optical properties and electrical as well as its antimicrobial properties are the silver nanoparticles. Despite the many recent studies that have been carried out, there is very little information on how these silver nanoparticles are assimilated in plants or how they are transported and accumulate in the environment. In general, there is very little information on the possible impact or toxicological risk that these nanoparticles may pose. The main purpose of this work is carry out a study on the interaction of the silver nanoparticles with the plants, specifically with lettuces (Lactuca Sativa), and ascertain if a translocation of the sliver takes place from the roots to the aerial part of the lettuce. To achieve this objective, various studies have been proposed for quantifying the silver in the lettuces by means of ICP-OES and was used SP-ICP-MS for discriminating AgNPs of the different forms of silver. For this, hydroponic crops of lettuces were produced with a Hoagland nutrient solution, and these solutions were spiked with AgNPs. Once grown, before the determinations, these lettuces were digested using two types of digestion methods: complete digestion with a microwave and an enzymatic digestion in order to keep the integrity of the nanoparticle. The results obtained in this work, it was able to be confirmed that the lettuces assimilate and incorporate the silver from the nutritive solutions through their roots. Furthermore, the silver could be quantified by complete digestion with a microwave and enzymatic digestion methods. On the other hand, it has also been verified that there is a silver translocation from the roots to the aerial part of the lettuce. Although more evidence it should be done, it seems that the roots better assimilate smaller nanoparticles, but the larger size translocate better to the aerial parts. Finally, it has been able check for the presence of nanoparticles and discriminate them from the free silver in different samples of roots and aerial part of the lettuce
Format: application/pdf
Document access:
Language: cat
Collection: Química (TFG)
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Rights URI:
Subject: Materials nanoestructurats
Plata -- Absorció i adsorció
Nanostructured materials
Silver -- Absorption and adsorption
Title: Interacció de nanopartícules metàl·liques de plata amb enciams (Lactuca Sativa) : estudis amb cultius hidropònics
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: DUGiDocs

