Gómez López, Crisanto
Molina López, Rafael Ángel |
Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Ciències | |
Garcia Recasens, Alexandra | |
2016 June | |
The orphans of commonswift (Apus apus) represent a high number of admissions in Recovery Centers of Fauna in Europe. These centers have become an important sentinels of the wild animals species, contributing actively to its conservation. In these centers a lot of protected species are rehabilitated and hand-reared being the commonswift the most representative. Exist studies about the results of the rehabilitation and the hand-rearing of this specie in other countries but in the Iberian Peninsula there aren’t data available, is for that, that this study was realized in the Recovery Centre of Fauna Torreferrussa (Barcelona). The chicks and fledgings (orphans) of commonswift represent the largest volume of individuals that have to be hand-reared and rehabilitated, for that, the admission data of 1903 orphans that were looked after in the Center during the year 2015, were revised. The study was designed to describe the results of the rehabilitation and hand-rearing of commonswifts enough to meet and evaluate if there were differences between the ages, the clinic categories and the resolutions, in addition to know of the existence of a unique criterion of assignation of categories for all the rehabilitators, since the first assessment of the situation of each individual would be reflected in its resolution. The results of the rehabilitation and hand-rearing were positive in the orphans group, showing more than a 50% of the orphans released. But, on the contrary were shown significant differences between the clinics categories, the type of resolution and also between the valuations of the rehabilitators. Therefore, this research exhibits the need to established a common criterion for all the rehabilitators to take unanimous decisions, that at the same time it will be reflected in a best quality and effort on the task of handrearing and rehabilitation of this threatened species, which will be shown as an increase in the number of liberations at the end of the commonswift (Apus apus) breeding season | |
application/pdf | | | |
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Biologia (TFG) | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain | | | |
Ocells -- Protecció
Ocells -- Cria i desenvolupament Falciot negre Common swift Birds -- Conservation Birds -- Breeding |
Aspectes clínics de la rehabilitació de falciot negre (Apus apus) al Centre de Fauna de Torreferrussa (Barcelona) durant l’any 2015 | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
DUGiDocs |