
Social media and higher education: an international perspective

This study explores the use of social media in higher education with a particular focus on the role of cultural and socioeconomic differences. The dataset, built on surveyed respondents from China, Poland, Spain, Turkey and United States, was analysed using quantitative techniques that allowed us to test various hypotheses. Findings show that the use of social media for educational purposes is determined by socio-demographic variables (gender, age, education level) that returned different social media users’ profiles across countries. Overall, the results indicate that social media is a useful tool of communication between teachers and students but that national cultural differences must be taken into account in the design of subjects and teaching materials used by teachers in the digital environment. From another point of view, the results related with the cultural differences and the socio-economic determinants may give insight to the marketers in the promotion of education related products such as books, language schools, degree and certificate programs in social media

Economics and Sociology, 2017, vol. 10, núm. 1, p. 181-191

National Institute for Economic Research

Autor: Bartosik-Purgat, Małgorzata
Filimon, Nela
Kiygi-Calli, Meltem
Data: 2017
Resum: This study explores the use of social media in higher education with a particular focus on the role of cultural and socioeconomic differences. The dataset, built on surveyed respondents from China, Poland, Spain, Turkey and United States, was analysed using quantitative techniques that allowed us to test various hypotheses. Findings show that the use of social media for educational purposes is determined by socio-demographic variables (gender, age, education level) that returned different social media users’ profiles across countries. Overall, the results indicate that social media is a useful tool of communication between teachers and students but that national cultural differences must be taken into account in the design of subjects and teaching materials used by teachers in the digital environment. From another point of view, the results related with the cultural differences and the socio-economic determinants may give insight to the marketers in the promotion of education related products such as books, language schools, degree and certificate programs in social media
Format: application/pdf
ISSN: 1857-4130 (versió paper)
2071-789X (versió electrònica)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/14208
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: National Institute for Economic Research
Col·lecció: Reproducció digital del document publicat a: http://dx.doi.org/10.14254/2071-789X.2017/10-1/13
Articles publicats (D-EC)
És part de: Economics and Sociology, 2017, vol. 10, núm. 1, p. 181-191
Drets: Attribution 3.0 Spain
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/
Matèria: Xarxes socials en línia
Online social networks
Xarxes socials en línia -- Ensenyament universitari
Online social networks -- Study and teaching (Higher)
Màrqueting internacional
Export marketing
Títol: Social media and higher education: an international perspective
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs

