
Caracterització de siloxans adsorbits en carbó activat provinent d’EDARs

This paper aims to identify which compounds are adsorbed in the activated carbon used in wastewater treatment plants using GC-MS. It also aims to study what interactions occur in the adsorption process and how these interactions affect the siloxanes that are adsorbed. According to these purposes, an analytical method for chromatographic analysis using GC-MS has been developed and several activated carbons have been analyzed to identify and quantify the compounds adsorbed. A suitable method for quantification of siloxanes in THF solution has been made. The results obtained show that siloxanes adsorbed in chemically activated carbons undergoes polymerization reactions besides physical adsorption. Several siloxanes were identified and characterized together with some organic volatile compounds such as toluene and limonene

Manager: Martín, María José
Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Ciències
Author: Miró Martín, Òscar
Date: 2018 February
Abstract: This paper aims to identify which compounds are adsorbed in the activated carbon used in wastewater treatment plants using GC-MS. It also aims to study what interactions occur in the adsorption process and how these interactions affect the siloxanes that are adsorbed. According to these purposes, an analytical method for chromatographic analysis using GC-MS has been developed and several activated carbons have been analyzed to identify and quantify the compounds adsorbed. A suitable method for quantification of siloxanes in THF solution has been made. The results obtained show that siloxanes adsorbed in chemically activated carbons undergoes polymerization reactions besides physical adsorption. Several siloxanes were identified and characterized together with some organic volatile compounds such as toluene and limonene
Format: application/pdf
Document access:
Language: cat
Collection: Química (TFG)
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Rights URI:
Subject: Carbó activat
Gasos -- Absorció i adsorció
Cromatografia de gasos
Carbon, Activated
Gases -- Absorption and adsorption
Gas chromatography
Title: Caracterització de siloxans adsorbits en carbó activat provinent d’EDARs
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: DUGiDocs

