
Towards economic and monetary union: changing trends in payment systems for new european members

The objective of this paper is precisely to study the evolution of payment systems within the accession countries between 1996 and 2003 and compare them with those of the E.U. and the Eurozone countries

© Journal of financial transformation, 2007, vol. 20, p. 168-174

Capco Institute

Autor: Callado Muñoz, Francisco J.
Utrero González, Natalia
Data: 2007
Resum: The objective of this paper is precisely to study the evolution of payment systems within the accession countries between 1996 and 2003 and compare them with those of the E.U. and the Eurozone countries
Format: application/pdf
Cita: Callado Muñoz, F.J i Utrero González, N. (2007). Towards economic and monetary union: changing trends in payment systems for new European members. Journal of financial transformation, 20, 168-174. Recuperat 25 novembre 2009, a http://www.capco.com/files/pdf/64/04_ACCEPTED%20PAPER%20SERIES/01_Towards%20economic%20and%20monetary%20union%20changing%20trends%20in%20payment%20systems%20for%20new%20European%20members%20(Opinion).pdf
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/1754
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Capco Institute
Col·lecció: Articles publicats (D-EC)
És part de: © Journal of financial transformation, 2007, vol. 20, p. 168-174
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Sistema monetari europeu
Unió Econòmica i Monetària Europea
European Monetary System
European Economic and Monetary Union
Títol: Towards economic and monetary union: changing trends in payment systems for new european members
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs

