
Efectivitat d’un programa de promoció de la salut en l’ús problemàtic d’Internet: projecte de recerca

Introduction: Recently, the exponential increase in the use of ICT (Information Technology and Communication) has made them essential in the daily lives of many people. Since the emergence of the Internet, smartphones, social networks, messaging applications such as WhatsApp or online games, it has caused a change in the way how we relate and communicate. This exposure to the Internet can affect the behavior of people, especially in adolescents. Furthermore, some peculiarities of these technologies, such as immediacy, feedback, interactivity, physical distancing or anonymity, have made them especially attractive for young people, and some vulnerable individuals can do so a problematic use. This excessive use can have negative consequences for health, such as depression, aggression or anguish; as well as sharing signs and symptoms of behavioral addictions. Objectives: The main objectives of the study are the prevalence of problematic use in Compulsory Secondary Education students, and the effectiveness of a mental health promotion program for students who show a problematic use of Internet. Methodology: The study has two phases, in a first phase the study has a transversal descriptive observational design, and in a second phase a quasi- experimental research design. The study population will be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of the IES Reguissol Institute of Santa Maria de Palautordera (Barcelona). In the first phase, the sample will be formed by all the students enrolled in these courses, and in a second phase it will be formed by all the students whom have obtained a score indicating the existence of a problematic use of Internet. The collection of data will be carried out through the survey of sociodemographic data, the Problematic Internet Use Scale in adolescents and some of ad hoc questions related to the use of the Internet and the mobile phone. In the second phase, the students will participate in a 4-intervention program, which will include an information session on the general features of Internet addiction, tracking weekly usage patterns through the Quality Time application, setting goals and guidelines to achieve them, and the presence of two volunteer addicted already recovered. The study guarantees the basic ethical principles in the search with people, and will have its consent duly signed, always respecting the anonymity. The data analysis will be carried out through the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Socials Sciences)

Manager: Suñer Soler, Rosa
Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat d’Infermeria
Author: Utrillo Gibert, Roser
Date: 2019
Abstract: Introduction: Recently, the exponential increase in the use of ICT (Information Technology and Communication) has made them essential in the daily lives of many people. Since the emergence of the Internet, smartphones, social networks, messaging applications such as WhatsApp or online games, it has caused a change in the way how we relate and communicate. This exposure to the Internet can affect the behavior of people, especially in adolescents. Furthermore, some peculiarities of these technologies, such as immediacy, feedback, interactivity, physical distancing or anonymity, have made them especially attractive for young people, and some vulnerable individuals can do so a problematic use. This excessive use can have negative consequences for health, such as depression, aggression or anguish; as well as sharing signs and symptoms of behavioral addictions. Objectives: The main objectives of the study are the prevalence of problematic use in Compulsory Secondary Education students, and the effectiveness of a mental health promotion program for students who show a problematic use of Internet. Methodology: The study has two phases, in a first phase the study has a transversal descriptive observational design, and in a second phase a quasi- experimental research design. The study population will be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of the IES Reguissol Institute of Santa Maria de Palautordera (Barcelona). In the first phase, the sample will be formed by all the students enrolled in these courses, and in a second phase it will be formed by all the students whom have obtained a score indicating the existence of a problematic use of Internet. The collection of data will be carried out through the survey of sociodemographic data, the Problematic Internet Use Scale in adolescents and some of ad hoc questions related to the use of the Internet and the mobile phone. In the second phase, the students will participate in a 4-intervention program, which will include an information session on the general features of Internet addiction, tracking weekly usage patterns through the Quality Time application, setting goals and guidelines to achieve them, and the presence of two volunteer addicted already recovered. The study guarantees the basic ethical principles in the search with people, and will have its consent duly signed, always respecting the anonymity. The data analysis will be carried out through the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Socials Sciences)
Format: application/pdf
Document access:
Language: cat
Collection: Infermeria (TFG)
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Rights URI:
Subject: Internet i adolescents
Internet and teenagers
Addictes a Internet
Internet addicts
Addicció a Internet
Internet addiction
Promoció de la salut
Health promotion
Telèfon mòbil
Cell phones
Alfabetització digital
Electronic information resource literacy
Title: Efectivitat d’un programa de promoció de la salut en l’ús problemàtic d’Internet: projecte de recerca
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: DUGiDocs

