Olabarrieta Zaro, Elena | |
Universitat de Girona. Facultat d’Infermeria | |
Yanguas Garrido, Patricia | |
2019 | |
Adolescence and obesity The global prevalence of childhood obesity has multiplied by 10 in the last 40 years, becoming one of the most serious public health concerns of the 21st century. In the vast majority of children and adolescents, obesity is of multi-causal origin but the effects of prolonged stress are highly implicated in the development and maintenance of obesity. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a comprehensive program that emphasizes proper nutrition, exercise and awareness of stressful situations to manage stress and win the long-term battle to obesity. Educational programs based on mindfulness are beneficial both physically and psychologically to cope with stress, manage eating behavior and reduce body weight. Objectives: The main objective of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program based on Mindfulness, in reducing stress and weight loss aimed at adolescents with stress and overweight and / or obesity. As specific objectives: to compare the quality of life related to the health of adolescents and the alimentary behaviour linked to emotional stress before and after the program, to evaluate if it improves the relationship with food, to evaluate the recognition of hunger and satiety signals. Methodology: It is proposed to carry out a quasi-experimental study (before and after the intervention). The sample will be chosen using the consecutive nonrandom sampling technique among the adolescent population of 12 to 14 assigned to the ZBS of Espartero and Siete Infantes of Logroño who present stress and overweight and / or obesity and who agree to participate in the project. The main variables to study are sociodemographic, anthropometric, related to quality of life, eating behaviour and stress. The instruments for data collection are the anthropometric data, the Kidscreen-52 questionnaire, the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). During the 12 weeks of intervention, there will be two groups that will undergo the same type of educational program based on mindfulness with a total of 12 workshops. The study will be presented to the primary care CEIC of Logroño, respecting the current ethical standards. The analysis of the data will be carried out through the SPSS computer program | |
application/pdf | | | |
cat | |
Infermeria (TFG) | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International | | | |
Atenció plena
Mindfulness (Psychology) Adolescents -- Malalties -- Tractament Teenagers -- Diseases -- Treatment Obesitat -- Aspectes psicològics Obesity -- Psychological aspects |
Efectividad de un programa educativo basado en el mindfulness en adolescentes con sobrepeso y/u obesidad: proyecto de investigación | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
DUGiDocs |