
La fi d’una llegenda: Arnau de Vilanova davant la màgia i l’astrologia

This article revises Arnau’s thoughts and practice regard-ing magic and astrology, two core aspects in the creation of an enduring legendary image. If apocryphal works are disregarded, the attitudes he sustains in his writing are in line with those of contemporary intellectuals: a rejec-tion of necromancy coupled with the acceptance of occult astral properties as the foundation of natural magic. These properties are put to use in his medical treatises, where astrology is also the basis for some remedies. However, none of the treatises on medical astrology that have been transmitted under his name are his

Universitat de Girona

Autor: Giralt Soler, Sebastià
Data: 2017
Resum: This article revises Arnau’s thoughts and practice regard-ing magic and astrology, two core aspects in the creation of an enduring legendary image. If apocryphal works are disregarded, the attitudes he sustains in his writing are in line with those of contemporary intellectuals: a rejec-tion of necromancy coupled with the acceptance of occult astral properties as the foundation of natural magic. These properties are put to use in his medical treatises, where astrology is also the basis for some remedies. However, none of the treatises on medical astrology that have been transmitted under his name are his
Format: application/pdf
Cita: https://www.raco.cat/index.php/Msr/article/view/336126
ISSN: 1575-5568 (versió paper)
2385-4359 (versió electrònica)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/18630
Llenguatge: cat
Editor: Universitat de Girona
Col·lecció: Volum 16 (MSR)
Drets: L’accés als articles a text complet inclosos a RACO és gratuït, però els actes de reproducció, distribució, comunicació pública o transformació total o parcial estan subjectes a les condicions d’ús de cada revista i poden requerir el consentiment exprés i escrit dels autors i/o institucions editores
Matèria: Vilanova, Arnau de, ca. 1238-1311
Títol: La fi d’una llegenda: Arnau de Vilanova davant la màgia i l’astrologia
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs

