Pérez Burriel, Marc | |
Universitat de Girona. Facultat d’Educació i Psicologia | |
Ayats Estarriola, Arnau | |
2020 June 1 | |
La mort perinatal és un tema tabú per a la nostra societat. Per a les famÃlies que el pateixen, un fet inesperat i potencialment traumà tic; per al personal sanitari encarar-lo suposa una dificultat tècnica i emocional, que provoca conductes de protecció personal i obviament d’emocions, fet que acaba afectant el tracte de la pacient i la qualitat assistencial, remetent-se a la qualitat de vida professional i personal. Aquest estudi vol indagar els mecanismes d’afrontament i estratègies de defensa dels professionals sanitaris que s’enfronten a aquesta realitat. Amb aquesta finalitat s’han realitzat 7 entrevistes a personal sanitari de l’à rea de neonatologia de l’hospital de referència a la demarcació de Girona. Els resultats s’han analitzat qualitativament. Les temà tiques relacionades amb les variables d’autocura, autoprotecció, heterocura, resposta situacional "in situ", resposta situacional cognitiva, residu professional, factors de autocura, factors d’enfrontament professional i factors d’atenció i cura interaccionen entre elles, creant diverses maneres d’experimentar i sobreviure professionalment a la mort perinatal. Aixà mateix, es van trobar diferències d’enfrontament entre perfils professionals, apartant el perfil CAI a la vulnerabilitat. Els resultats i la discussió ens fan parlar de la necessitat d’elaborar nous estudis i d’una formació centrada al professional per entendre Ãntegrament al pacient. Perinatal death is a taboo subject for our Society. For the families who suffer it, it is an unexpected and potentially traumatic event; for the health personnel, dealing with it is a technical and emotional difficulty, which causes personal protection behaviour and the obvious emotions, a fact that ends up affecting the treatment of the patient and the quality of care, referring to the quality of professional and personal life. This study aims to investigate the coping mechanisms and defence strategies of health professionals who are faced with this reality. To this end, 7 interviews were carried out with healthcare personnel from the neonatology area of the reference hospital in the Girona region. The results were analyzed qualitatively. The subjects related to the variables of self-healing, self-protection, Heterocure, situational "in situ" response, situational cognitive response, professional residue, self-healing factors, factors of professional confrontation and factors of care and cure interact with each other, creating diverse ways of experiencing and surviving perinatal death professionally. Likewise, differences of confrontation between professional profiles were found, setting the CAI profile apart from vulnerability. The results and the discussion lead us to talk about the need to elaborate new studies and a training focused on the professional in order to fully understand the patient. |
application/pdf | | | |
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Psicologia (TFG) | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International | | | |
Dol--Aspectes psicològics Mort--Aspectes psicològics Emocions Personal sanitari Fetal death Bereavement--Psychological aspects Public health personnel Emotions Death--Psychological aspects Neonatology Neonatologia |
Afrontament i autocura professional en la mort perinatal: un estudi qualitatiu | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
DUGiDocs |