
Intensive care telemedicine versus need-based telephone consultation in pediatric patients with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis: multicenter randomized open-label clinical trial

BACKGROUND: Bronchiolitis is a common infection of the lower respiratory tract among the pediatric population, representing a major cause of hospitalization. Patients from regional hospitals often require intensive care support and so the assistance from referral centers. The inter – hospital transferring, during the peak infection period, takes around 24 – 48 hours due to pediatric ambulances saturation. The assistance by an intensivist through telemedicine during this time interval would minimize the territorial differences nowadays existing and therefore, avoid the delay of the treatment. OBJECTIVES: Our main objective is to decrease the length of stay of critically ill patients with RSV bronchiolitis from regional hospitals with telemedicine intensivist support meanwhile they are not transferred to referral centers. DESIGN: A prospective randomized, controlled, multicentered, open-label clinical trial performed in regional and referral hospitals from Girona, Tarragona and, Terres de l’Ebre Health region. PARTICIPANTS: Participants included in the clinical trial are patients under 12 months old diagnosed with RSV bronchiolitis from the regional hospital with criteria to be transferred to the referral center. A consecutive non-probabilistic model will be used. METHODS: The study will include 168 participants, 84 will be assisted through need – based telephone consultation and the other 84 will receive telemedicine intensivist support from the referral center during the period the patient cannot be transferred from the regional hospital because there are no ambulances available. Data about the length of stay, clinical complications, provider satisfaction, economic cost, and covariables will be collected and statistically analyzed to avoid confounding factors

Manager: Sánchez Fernández, Mario
López-Bermejo, Abel
Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Medicina
Author: Cros Alsina, Anna
Date: 2021 November
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Bronchiolitis is a common infection of the lower respiratory tract among the pediatric population, representing a major cause of hospitalization. Patients from regional hospitals often require intensive care support and so the assistance from referral centers. The inter – hospital transferring, during the peak infection period, takes around 24 – 48 hours due to pediatric ambulances saturation. The assistance by an intensivist through telemedicine during this time interval would minimize the territorial differences nowadays existing and therefore, avoid the delay of the treatment. OBJECTIVES: Our main objective is to decrease the length of stay of critically ill patients with RSV bronchiolitis from regional hospitals with telemedicine intensivist support meanwhile they are not transferred to referral centers. DESIGN: A prospective randomized, controlled, multicentered, open-label clinical trial performed in regional and referral hospitals from Girona, Tarragona and, Terres de l’Ebre Health region. PARTICIPANTS: Participants included in the clinical trial are patients under 12 months old diagnosed with RSV bronchiolitis from the regional hospital with criteria to be transferred to the referral center. A consecutive non-probabilistic model will be used. METHODS: The study will include 168 participants, 84 will be assisted through need – based telephone consultation and the other 84 will receive telemedicine intensivist support from the referral center during the period the patient cannot be transferred from the regional hospital because there are no ambulances available. Data about the length of stay, clinical complications, provider satisfaction, economic cost, and covariables will be collected and statistically analyzed to avoid confounding factors
Format: application/pdf
Document access:
Language: eng
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Subject: Telemedicina
Medical telematics
Medicina intensiva
Critical care medicine
Bronquiolitis -- Tractament
Bronchiolitis -- Treatment
Aparell respiratori -- Malalties en els infants
Pediatric respiratory diseases
Pediatria intensiva
Pediatric intensive care
Title: Intensive care telemedicine versus need-based telephone consultation in pediatric patients with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis: multicenter randomized open-label clinical trial
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: DUGiDocs

