
Analysis of sustainable investment funds in Spain 2021-2022

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is a fashionable concept in the financial industry and is driven by growing demand and the push for global regulation. There are two clear reasons for this growth. • The promotion at the legislative level of the adoption of sustainable criteria to deal with the extra-financial risks increasingly present in investments. • The concern and awareness of investors are having a positive impact on this type of investment. In this sense and even though it is increasingly adopted, the general ignorance on the part of investors makes it not understood what SRI is and even generates distrust in retail investors with a more archaic vision of the world of investment. This work aims to bring the investor closer to this interesting world and highlight the problems of ESG (Environmental, Social and Good Governance) valuation, the lack of clear regulations at both the state and supranational levels, and the lack of knowledge that currently exists in society, although the most important objective is to make a ranking with analysis and methodology on the best sustainable investment funds in the Spanish SRI market. In the second section, we will introduce what a sustainable investment fund is, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the different SRI strategies that exist

Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials
Author: Hernando Sastre, Alex
Date: 2022 June 1
Abstract: Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is a fashionable concept in the financial industry and is driven by growing demand and the push for global regulation. There are two clear reasons for this growth. • The promotion at the legislative level of the adoption of sustainable criteria to deal with the extra-financial risks increasingly present in investments. • The concern and awareness of investors are having a positive impact on this type of investment. In this sense and even though it is increasingly adopted, the general ignorance on the part of investors makes it not understood what SRI is and even generates distrust in retail investors with a more archaic vision of the world of investment. This work aims to bring the investor closer to this interesting world and highlight the problems of ESG (Environmental, Social and Good Governance) valuation, the lack of clear regulations at both the state and supranational levels, and the lack of knowledge that currently exists in society, although the most important objective is to make a ranking with analysis and methodology on the best sustainable investment funds in the Spanish SRI market. In the second section, we will introduce what a sustainable investment fund is, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the different SRI strategies that exist
Format: application/pdf
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Language: eng
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Subject: Social responsibility of business
Empreses - Responsabilitat social
Welfare state
Estat del benestar
Title: Analysis of sustainable investment funds in Spain 2021-2022
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: DUGiDocs

