
Speculative parallelization of multipath radiosity algorithm

In computer graphics, global illumination algorithms take into account not only the light that comes directly from the sources, but also the light interreflections. This kind of algorithms produce very realistic images, but at a high computational cost, especially when dealing with complex environments. Parallel computation has been successfully applied to such algorithms in order to make it possible to compute highly-realistic images in a reasonable time. We introduce here a speculation-based parallel solution for a global illumination algorithm in the context of radiosity, in which we have taken advantage of the hierarchical nature of such an algorithm

© International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems : 2009 : SPECTS 2009, 2009, vol. 41, p. 89-95


Autor: Trias Mansilla, Albert
Puiggalí, Joan
Castro Villegas, Francesc
Jové Lagunas, Teodor
Sbert, Mateu
Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
Data: 2009
Resum: In computer graphics, global illumination algorithms take into account not only the light that comes directly from the sources, but also the light interreflections. This kind of algorithms produce very realistic images, but at a high computational cost, especially when dealing with complex environments. Parallel computation has been successfully applied to such algorithms in order to make it possible to compute highly-realistic images in a reasonable time. We introduce here a speculation-based parallel solution for a global illumination algorithm in the context of radiosity, in which we have taken advantage of the hierarchical nature of such an algorithm
Format: application/pdf
Cita: Trias, Albert, Puiggalí, Joan, Castro, Francesc, Jové Lagunas, Teodor, Sbert, Mateu, i Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís (2009). Speculative parallelization of multipath radiosity algorithm. International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems : 2009 : SPECTS 2009, 41, 89-95. Recuperat 06 maig 2010, a http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5224141
ISBN: 978-1-4244-4165-5
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/2173
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: IEEE
Col·lecció: Articles publicats (D-ATC)
És part de: © International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems : 2009 : SPECTS 2009, 2009, vol. 41, p. 89-95
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Algorismes computacionals
Computer algorithms
Computer graphics
Títol: Speculative parallelization of multipath radiosity algorithm
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs

