Fort Masdevall, Marta | |
Universitat de Girona. Escola Politècnica Superior | |
León Corcuera, Luis Alejandro | |
2020 June 1 | |
Durant el transcurs de la historia les curses s’han convertit en una gran influ`encia per tots nosaltres. De tots els tipus de curses que hi ha, les curses de
llarga dist`ancia s´on aquelles en les que s’impliquen un gran nombre de corredors, aquesta dist`ancia es pot dividir en diferents trams, durant tots aquests
trams hi han punts de control que tenen la funci´o d’analitzar l’estat del corredor i l’evoluci´o que t´e durant la cursa, aquest an`alisi es far`a a partir de
les dades que s’obtinguin en els punts de control. A partir d’aquestes dades
s’han fet estudis on s’ha definit el concepte de grup, aquest grup estar`a format per un conjunt de corredors i depenent de com es generen tindran unes
caracter´ıstiques o unes altres. Tamb´e s’estudia quina es la interacci´o que hi
ha entre els diferents grups i els seus respectius membres. A partir d’aquests
antecedents en el departament d’IMAE, la doctora Marta Fort Masdevall,
juntament amb dos professors externs Pere Pau V´azquez i Jose Diaz Iriberri,
de la UPC i UVic-UCC respectivament, va sorgir la idea de fer un an`alisi dels
participants d’una cursa de recorregut prefixat en la que pogu´es haver-hi m´es
d’una etapa amb participants potencialment diferents. El projecte consisteix
en utilitzar tota informaci´o d’una cursa real, importar-la en una p`agina web,
amb la que es podr`a fer un an`alisi m´es visual i expl´ıcit de totes les dades During the course of history, racing has become a great influence for all of us. Of all the types of races there are, the races of long distance is those in which a large number of runners are involved, this distance can be divided into different sections, during all these sections there are control points that have the function of analyzing the state of the runner and the evolution during the race, this analysis will be made from the data obtained at the control points. Based on these data studies have been carried out where the concept of group has been defined, this group will be made up of a set of runners and depending on how they are generated they will have characteristics or others. It is also studied what the interaction is between the different groups and their respective members. From these background in the IMAE department, Dr. Marta Fort Masdevall, together with two external teachers Pere Pau V´azquez and Jose Diaz Iriberri, from the UPC and UVic-UCC respectively, the idea arose to do an analysis of the participants of a predetermined course race in which there may be more than one of a stage with potentially different participants. The project consists of by using all information from a real race, importing it into a web page, with which a more visual and explicit analysis of all the data could be made |
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International | | | |
Racing Pà gines web - Programari d’autors Web sites - Authoring programs Mètodes grà fics Graphic methods |
Visualització de l’evolució de curses | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
DUGiDocs |