Martín Campos, Ignacio Clemente | |
Universitat de Girona. Escola Politècnica Superior | |
Planas Quinatana, Marc | |
1 setembre 2022 | |
Un estiu mentre treballava a l’empresa del meu pare, la qual es basa en el manteniment de
descalcificadors de diverses comunitats, vaig detectar que una de les tasques que fan una
vegada acaben el manteniment d’aquests, és apuntar-se manualment en un paper el servei
que acaben de realitzar, per tal que ell en tingui constància i més endavant pugui fer la
corresponent factura del servei proporcionat. Al principi em va semblar que era una clàssica
però alhora bona metodologia per utilitzar, i que a més no suposa haver de tenir massa
problemes durant el seu ús, per tant, en cap moment la vaig descartar. No obstant això, quan
ja feia unes setmanes que estava col·laborant amb la feina de l’empresa familiar vaig començar
a donar voltes al tema, fins que finalment em vaig adonar que tot i no ser una mala
metodologia, requereix més temps per aplicar-la, a diferència d’altres que a part de ser
senzilles, són més eficaces i, per tant, se’n pot treure un millor rendiment en la gestió del
temps laboral One summer while I was working in my father’s company, which is based on the maintenance of water softeners from several communities, I detected that one of the tasks they do a once they finish the maintenance of these, it is to sign up manually on a paper the service that they have just done, so that he has a record of it and can do it later corresponding invoice for the service provided. At first I thought it was a classic but at the same time a good methodology to use, and which also does not mean having to have too much problems during its use, therefore, at no time did I discard it. However, when I had already been collaborating with the work of the family business for a few weeks to go around the subject, until finally I realized that despite not being a bad person methodology, it requires more time to apply it, unlike others that apart from being simple, they are more effective and, therefore, a better performance can be obtained in the management of the working time |
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