
Simulacions estocàstiques en l’àmbit pedagògic

El desenvolupament d’aquest tipus de projecte recau principalment en l’interes per iniciar-me en ´ la informatica gr ` afica. Com a estudiant, trobo que el TFG ` es una molt bona oportunitat per poder ´ introduir-se en disciplines o branques d’interes dins de la inform ´ atica que no es tracten en profun- ` ditat al llarg del grau. Complementariament, la situaci ` o actual en la que vivim arreu del m ´ on degut a la pand ´ emia de ` la Covid ha sigut un altre factor que m’ha motivat a l’hora de triar el tema d’aquest treball. Cal dir que, inicialment, el projecte no estava enfocat a cadenes de contagi, sino a estudis poblacionals. Tot i aixo, l’aparici ` o de la pand ´ emia mundial que ens hem vist obligats a viure va ser motiu sufici- ` ent d’autosugerencia de reenfocar el tema principal del treball. ` Finalment, per acabar l’explicacio d’aquest apartat, m’agradaria explicar que el meu primer any a ´ l’universitat va ser al grau de disseny i desenvolupament de videojocs i, tot haver canviat mes tard ´ al grau d’informatica, mai he perdut l’inter ` es en formar-me en desenvolupar videojocs. Per tant, ´ en l´ınies generals, tinc l’oportunitat de fusionar aquestes tres motivacions esmentades previament ` i convertir-les en un projecte conjunt

The development of this type of project falls mainly on the interest to start me in ´ graphic informatics. As a student, I find that the TFG is a very good opportunity to be able to introduce yourself to disciplines or branches of interest within informatics that are not treated in depth taught throughout the degree. Complementarily, the current situation in which we live around the world due to the pandemic of Covid was another factor that motivated me when choosing the subject of this work. Must say that, initially, the project was not focused on chains of contagion, but on population studies. Even so, the appearance of the global pandemic that we have been forced to live with was reason enough to entity of self-suggestion to refocus the main topic of the work. ` Finally, to finish the explanation of this section, I would like to explain that my first year in ´ the university was in the degree of design and development of video games and, everything has changed later ´ degree in computer science, I have never lost interest in learning how to develop video games. So In general terms, I have the opportunity to merge these three previously mentioned motivations and turn them into a joint project

Director: Boada, Imma
Saldaña Meca, Joan
Altres contribucions: Universitat de Girona. Escola Politècnica Superior
Autor: Sánchez Beltrán, José
Data: 1 juny 2021
Resum: El desenvolupament d’aquest tipus de projecte recau principalment en l’interes per iniciar-me en ´ la informatica gr ` afica. Com a estudiant, trobo que el TFG ` es una molt bona oportunitat per poder ´ introduir-se en disciplines o branques d’interes dins de la inform ´ atica que no es tracten en profun- ` ditat al llarg del grau. Complementariament, la situaci ` o actual en la que vivim arreu del m ´ on degut a la pand ´ emia de ` la Covid ha sigut un altre factor que m’ha motivat a l’hora de triar el tema d’aquest treball. Cal dir que, inicialment, el projecte no estava enfocat a cadenes de contagi, sino a estudis poblacionals. Tot i aixo, l’aparici ` o de la pand ´ emia mundial que ens hem vist obligats a viure va ser motiu sufici- ` ent d’autosugerencia de reenfocar el tema principal del treball. ` Finalment, per acabar l’explicacio d’aquest apartat, m’agradaria explicar que el meu primer any a ´ l’universitat va ser al grau de disseny i desenvolupament de videojocs i, tot haver canviat mes tard ´ al grau d’informatica, mai he perdut l’inter ` es en formar-me en desenvolupar videojocs. Per tant, ´ en l´ınies generals, tinc l’oportunitat de fusionar aquestes tres motivacions esmentades previament ` i convertir-les en un projecte conjunt
The development of this type of project falls mainly on the interest to start me in ´ graphic informatics. As a student, I find that the TFG is a very good opportunity to be able to introduce yourself to disciplines or branches of interest within informatics that are not treated in depth taught throughout the degree. Complementarily, the current situation in which we live around the world due to the pandemic of Covid was another factor that motivated me when choosing the subject of this work. Must say that, initially, the project was not focused on chains of contagion, but on population studies. Even so, the appearance of the global pandemic that we have been forced to live with was reason enough to entity of self-suggestion to refocus the main topic of the work. ` Finally, to finish the explanation of this section, I would like to explain that my first year in ´ the university was in the degree of design and development of video games and, everything has changed later ´ degree in computer science, I have never lost interest in learning how to develop video games. So In general terms, I have the opportunity to merge these three previously mentioned motivations and turn them into a joint project
Format: application/pdf
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/22736
Llenguatge: cat
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Matèria: Jocs seriosos
Serious games
Video games - Design
Videojocs - Disseny
Títol: Simulacions estocàstiques en l’àmbit pedagògic
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repositori: DUGiDocs

